(social scandal!) is nathaniel noir’s tail… real?

“is nathaniel noir‘s tail real?”
that is what the questions are today.
from the foxhole to lurkers in the forest,
everyone is abuzz over this picture he put up on his ig…
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Nathaniel Noir May Just Be Straight AF

sometimes i think “the fantasy” should stay that.
how much more appealing is it when we don’t hear someone talk?
its like “fitted sexy” or jonathan “heat” martinez.
every since they have given our phones “live” options,
everyone has been partaking into it.
everyone can now get their 15 minutes of easy fame.
from celebs to randoms,
it’s really a wasy way to “turn you the fuck off”.
so “the fantasy” for some,
nathaniel noir,
has launched a youtube channel.
one of my fav foxholers
sent me the video for review.
nathaniel is one who works well being being “mute”,
but when he did this “get to know nathaniel noir” segment,
i learned two things…
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