Talking To (Mi) Like That?

sadas i go in the kitchen to get some food earlier,
this is what mi tells me…
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The Power of Taking Responsibility For Your Sh*t

tumblr_mtv5blL7F31rtqolxo1_500i believe heavily in the law of attraction.
what you think about is what you’ll bring about.
ever since work wolf froze me out his life,
it has left me to do a lot of thinking.
what i didn’t realize is that it was actually a blessing.
when he left my life,
it’s not a coincidence i started seeing those angel number’s everywhere.


all of them all said for me to:

“think positive at that very moment”

okay cool.
so after i started accepting “what is”,
i was led to start reading,
“no more mr. nice guy”.
the last entry i wrote allowed the foxholer,
to leave a comment that would further more change my life.
he told me to…
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Oh Mi Oh My

tumblr_static_4jpozzxw37s4wg0owo8c0sgow_2048_v2before i went to bed,
i got into it with mi last night.
i don’t know what has been up with this week,
but the negative energy has been at an all time high.
i was proud of myself tho…
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It’s Coming Down On Me Hard! (Blizzard ’16)

tumblr_meunvc2dnq1qb30dwo1_500so its officially coming down.
(btw: check out this apple music playlist,
“chillin’ by the fire”
“blizzard ’16” has landed over the new yawk forest.
immediately after work,
i went and bought:


canned goods
snowed in food for breakfast and lunch
(just remembered:
i forgot the damn hot chocolate and whip cream!


there was this fine brown wolf in the store stocking up on…
i can just imagine being #snowedin with him.
now my question is,

and maybe this shouldn’t be my problem,
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I Would Probably Just Lay There

tumblr_nq2kncOT091tzm5euo1_500i have been so tired as of late.
like jamari fox is running on empty.
even writing this,
i feel like i could do with a 6 hour nap.
i still look good tho.
no bags or fine lines.
i just take pride in making sure i rest.
i actually just woke up from one before i grabbed my laptop.
last week was crazy busy because a lot has happened.
where do i even begin?…
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Do Unto Others (Or Get That Ass Dragged To Hell)

tumblr_mwufjbd3uF1qkvok3o1_1280“do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

the golden rule.
one of my favorite foxholers had to remind me when it came to work wolf.
its apparently the pope’s favorite phrase.
he used it to address congress,
a forest that definitely needed to hear it,
on thursday evening.

i follow that rule.
i was taught in order to get respect then you have to give it.
i won’t lie,
i have had to verbally assassinate many characters along the way.
they all deserved it.
god has worked on me since then.
you try to be good to these morons out here,
but they return the favor by stabbing you where it hurts most.
so i had to wonder that should we always treat people good…

Even though they don’t necessarily do it to us?

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