
(excuse the old paint job.)

told you it would be a small hiatus


You’re Dark Skinned So I’m Not Even Interested In You.

i caught up with a sista friend yesterday.
when we talk,
it is always a deep conversation about life.
my favorite!
the topic was black people.
we got onto the subject of skin color.
she said that if beyonce was as dark as her,
she would not have nearly the amount of success that she has.
“i kinda agree”.
she also pondered why these sistas in the industry always dye their hair blonde?
i often wondered myself because many of them looking stunning with darker hair.
before we hung up,
she said i should thank my parents i am able to “pass“.
“life is not to kind to dark berries,” she said.
that part left me confused…

… but i got it.
i wanted to say it hasn’t got me a job,
but whatever.
i started to wonder if the lighter the skin,
the more open the magic door of acceptance?
would life,
according to her,
be amazing if you “pass“?…

Continue reading “You’re Dark Skinned So I’m Not Even Interested In You.”

You Are Cordially Invited As “The Accessory” At The “Bring Your Best Gay” Party.

gay men will always be used as a vixen’s life support.

she befriends him and realizes he is everything she would want in a “friend”.
he is almost like secret deodorant.
“strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.”
because of this,
she depends on him for everything.
she knows that she can’t trust another hoe with her business.
why not trust my hairdresser/stylist/man problem solver?

i was on tumblr yesterday.
reblogging and looking at the people i follow,
when i saw a headline that made me do the screw face”..

Continue reading “You Are Cordially Invited As “The Accessory” At The “Bring Your Best Gay” Party.”

I Want To Make Love To You On A Bed Full Of Money

does this…


make you hard as steel?
wolves come and go,
but green can keep me warm at night.
no seriously it can:

if i asked your broke ass what would you do if you got rich tomorrow…
i am sure you could provide me a list or two.
hell maybe 5.
we spend our days day dreaming of a better life.
this is what we bust our ass for daily.
getting up and going to a “ain’t shit” job.
working about 10 hours a day hoping one day,
it will all pay off.
one where we can afford to pay our bills,
eat at the most expensive restaurants,
travel to far away lands,
and hob knob with the best of em.
don’t even have to mention the amount of pussy/ass/dick you will get.
once you have money,
it cums (literally) by the boat loads.
i’m sure those online attention whores will finally notice you.
everyone becomes your friend.
you can literally buy other people to hang with you.
life certainly starts to become more enjoyable.
well that is before it’s all gone.
low self esteem,
and no plan is the devil.
i had to ask the foxhole…

Can you mentally afford to be rich?

Continue reading “I Want To Make Love To You On A Bed Full Of Money”

Nothing Good Happens After 4 A.M on Valentine’s Day

valentine’s day.
the straight couple’s holiday?
shit i don’t even know if that’s even true anymore.
i just saw a sista in the supermarket buying about 2 tubs of ben and jerrys.
remember when you were a young cub and it actually meant something?
ycolor a heart shaped piece of paper and give it to the girl sitting a couple of rows from you.
maybe you were a playa playyyaaaa and had a chick in another class.
i see you….

Continue reading “Nothing Good Happens After 4 A.M on Valentine’s Day”

Old Dog; Good Dick.

i found myself just now catch up on this show called girls.

it comes on hbo and it is pretty good.
last nights episode was so true to life for me.
you ever watched something and it reflected something you went through?
who knew lena dunham would write an episode that would have me locked in…

Continue reading “Old Dog; Good Dick.”