“This Too Shall Pass” Starring Liar Liar

i wouldn’t wish any harm on my worst enemies.
when you hurt me,
i’m pretty much done with you.
if a wolf hurt me,
and i knew he was dl,
i wouldn’t out him.
i know he is gonna fuck up and ruin himself down the line.
i just give it to God and let him handle it.
well i got an update today on my old co worker,
liar liar

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She Gone And I’m Still In Hell


liar liar is officially gone.
she decided to use her sick days for the rest of the week.
my boss broke the news to us today.
he told us we would all be doing her left over work,
while going forward,
we will all take on her work load until the new “her” arrives.
when that will be?
anyone’s guess.
we were also told that…

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The End, A New Beginning, and A Different Fox

tumblr_n9ix1gg1G41t1prrio1_500it’s so funny how closure works.
you either get it or you end up doing it yourself.
i did the latter and it all came to an end today…
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The Truth About A Liar Liar

truthPOSTeveryone likes to confide in me.
i am told i come off very trusting.
i guess because i am always there to listen and try to help.
well who knew,
this year and around this time that liar liar

…Would be telling me her truth?

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Work Sucks (What’s New?)

124269-Im-Just-Tiredit has been “hell week” for me.
between my home and work,
i have no peace.
work tho…
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I’m a Good Fox, I Am

tumblr_mx1xp7OhMA1qigj88o1_500i guess i’ve stopped giving a fuck at this job.
i have given many fucks over this last year and a half,
but now i’m over it.
my mouth has lost its filter.
i dropped it somewhere and i’m not in a hurry to find it.
so i found liar liar’s “screw”.
thank god…
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