Homophobic Men Are Scared of Being Bitches (Facts?)

charlamagne-tha-godwhen radio host charlamagne tha god from #power1051 speaks,
i usually listen.
he is actually a really smart wolf underneath all the word vomit.
so he had an interview with vlad tv where he was asked about homophobic jackals.
they brought up how other artists don’t wanna work with frank ocean because he is bisexual.
his answer may just surprise you…

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Karma Got That Raw 15 Inch Pipe For Your Ass

tumblr_lmoox3JCQJ1qirazwo1_500_largei was having an interesting discussion with my straight wolf friend last night.
well call my straight wolf friend “left”,
because sometimes he goes completely left field.
i gotta be the one to get him right.
last night he was “right”.
so the subject was that of “karma”.
i believe everything you do comes back to you,
but i was becoming a slave to it.
always trying to do the right thing so the universe didn’t punish me.
we all get like that after traumatic situations happen.
praying extra hard while trying to wear the halo you dusted off.
i felt drained because i feel like i kept losing.
losing myself.
shit god was cock blockin’ my life!
this is what he said…
Continue reading “Karma Got That Raw 15 Inch Pipe For Your Ass”

Reggie Bush Busts One Off Towards

tumblr_mu66zchwts1qcqu60o1_500reggie bush has a note for yeezus.
allegedly, of course.
hold on,
let him get out it out of his pocket.
okay look at what he had to say on his instagram and you be the judge?…
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Dear Karma, Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, Signed You.

Screen Shot 2013-08-27 at 12.11.30 AMdo you believe in karma?
that 5 letter word that works like the universe’s people court?
sure when people do bad things to us,
it always has a way of coming back to them.
i had an interesting talk with someone tonight about karma.
i don’t know about you,
but everyone who has done me wrong has paid for their sins.
i was bullied/picked on when i was a kid/teenager,
betrayed and back stabbed by so called friends,
and dealt with fake ass people in the working world.
 too many examples to name.
life isn’t about getting revenge for everyone who does you wrong.
all that going online or talking behind someone’s back shit is for cornballs.
either ima bust a chair upside your head or ima let it go.
i often choose the latter.
thing is we can talk about how people have received their karma,
but we never talk about how we received ours?
did i do something wrong to have no job,
lost my best friend,
and both my parents?
sure life could be a disaster,
and i have become so much stronger due to all the loss,
but am i taking the l for something i did way back when?
something i may have forgotten.
makes me think.
are the bad things you maybe going through now because of karma?
or in the “house of the lord” a test from god?
and if it is a test,
where the hell does satan come in at?
i couldn’t help but wonder…

Is it a test,
or have your evil ways caught up with us?

and are we honest enough to admit it?

God Said, “Your Time To Be Fucked Is Now”.

it’s a funny ass thing

Continue reading “God Said, “Your Time To Be Fucked Is Now”.”

I Have Voodoo In-Between My Butt Cheeks So Enter With Caution

we are so use to wolves fucking shit up.
i mean, this is a fox based blog so we do speak on their drama… a lot.
we are so use to them hurting us and making a mockery of the word “dating”.
yep you right.
some of them definitely do need to die.
but, what happens when a fox is the “bitch” in the story?
what if he collects broken hearts of unsuspecting wolves?
there are some foxes whose antics make wolves the way they are: the bitch.
imagine falling for someone you were actually feeling….
… who in return stomps all over your heart?
you let them in and they take advantage.
it ain’t easy.
i started to wonder…

Can a fox, turned jackal/hyena, turn a good wolf bad?

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