so i watched the joe budden and isaiah rashad interview and well…

when we get mad and out someone,
we don’t realize it can fuck with their entire mentals.
some outing hyenas are delusional.
they think they are helping someone so they can live their truth.
in reality,
they are pulling someone out who isn’t brave or even ready.
i woke up early and saw the joe budden and isaiah rashad interview was up.
it was on patreon but i know joe uploads it to his youtube sooner or later.
i watched the whole thing and…

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joe budden gets with isaiah rashad

there was a time i would have rode joe budden until the last stop in jersey.
i still have fantasies of a voice like his waking me up at 3 in the morning.
i need him to stop smoking cigarettes tho.

joe budden continues to go places in his career.
he really finagled the bag after everyone counted him out.
even with all of his scandals and all his past shenanigans,
he ain’t going back to that old life.
i don’t even think rapping wolf,
isaiah rashad,
was gonna talk to anyone in the media.
as you know,
he was ( x outed ) last year.
he felt comfortable for joe to bag that interview right quick…

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watch how joe budden checks a fool asking about his alleged bisexuality

two of my biggest fears growing up:

People looking at me when I walked into a room
People asking, assuming, or talking about me being gay

both things usually synergized with each other.
people have this obsession with others’ sexuality.
some are bold af too!
they’ll literally ask you if you’re gay in front of people.
don’t even pull you to the side to ask.
some do use it as a way to embarrass someone.

I hate when loudmouth gays do it.

even though joe budden has his problematic moments,
i enjoyed how he handled a jackal trying to embarrass him.
mark hoffa wanted joey to clarify his alleged bisexuality.
this is how he ended up checking mark hoffa…

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we all to grow tf up.
when age catches up with you so does wisdom.
we won’t be making onlyfans and beefing on social media forever.
there comes a time we gotta mature and become adults.
when i saw lil kim trending on twitter,
i had to wonder what was going on.
when i saw nicki minaj mention her in an interview with joe budden:

“Uh oh”

i’m very impressed with nicki today cause this is what she said…


so joe budden comes out? (and not out of retirement if you’re thinking)

when joe budden came out with his debut album,
i had a huge crush on him.
he was everything.
his face and that deep ass voice >
i heard alleged rumblings about his sexuality,
but i took it as rumors that come with the territory of being a male celeb.
you know everyone is rumored to be gay in hollywood.
well apparently,
and allegedly,
he came out on his podcast…

Continue reading “so joe budden comes out? (and not out of retirement if you’re thinking)”

add olivia dope to the list of people with gasoline for joe budden

joe budden‘s forest is ablaze and it’s not looking good for him.
he should never had done his friends the way he did.
that spark created a forest fire that is putting his reputation ablaze.
rory and mal gave their side this weekend:


…but ima get on them in a second.
in 2020,
joe launched a podcast with all vixens called “see, the thing is“.
it featured mandi b,
bridget kelly,
and olivia dope.
olivia dope ended up leaving but she revealed it was because of joe budden.
she has a 26:00 minute conversation with us about it on her ig…

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