God Help Me

absolutely frustrated.
i had to escape to the bathroom to talk to god real quick.
it went something like this…
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Ain’t Nothing Going On But The Rent

6ca7d2155008bce068a0f1a7b558e349when you want a wolf,
like i said,
everyone looks attractive to you.
sadly its only that “i’m lonely” attractive that can be turned off.
usually after you fuck the person or find out info about them.
this case the latter.
many of you have been right about messing with people you work with.
i also have to thank thing 2 today as well…
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You Forgot To Put “Ratchet” On Your Resume

Screen Shot 2014-05-20 at 10.15.13 PMi’m tired as hell tonight,
but i couldn’t go to bed without a cautionary “tail”.
gather round…
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I Liked-ed-ed Him (Add Another Tail of Falling In Crush)


37ec2ed6da96d41bbefbe0f61f496ae4okay fine.
i think i’ll talk about it.
i’ll finally express how i feel about this mofo.
you don’t have to beat it out of me.
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I Made It! (and Then I Faked It!)

sun_after_storm-t2 today was a very interesting day…
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f0xmail: Your Struggle Helped My Struggle



Jamari, I’ve been an avid reader of your site for almost a year and a half now. I must say I browse by it twice or more times a day- Ha! Over the months reading the struggle you’d been going through called life really had me at an awe.

Just like yourself, I’ve been out of work for a few months now. Things get harder and bills keep on adding up, man don’t I know. As well going on countless interviews and still not being promised anything. The amount of education you have does not promise you everything. In this city (DC) things aren’t cheap- just like NYC, I’m sure. Its hard to compete for any job here smh. 60 something percent of people that live in this city have at least their bachelors degree…talk about competition, huh? It’s days when I kick my own ass, but I constantly tell myself not to lose hope…..anyway. I just wanted to say congrats on the job and that you are an example to keep pursuing, man.


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