Sexting Can Get You F*cked Nice ‘n’ Hard (Literally)

we have all done it.
it’s usually seen as foreplay before “12 play”.
sometimes you can sext all day and get “no play”.
i have sexted quite a few wolves and it went no where.
well who knew you could go to jail for it?
i certainly didn’t.
this black mini baller wolf now has a record because of it.
everyone meet levar allen.
he was sexting a snow bunny and well…
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The Gym Got This Attentionisto An Arrest Record

article-gym-1-0429some of these attentionitos ain’t shit.
they will neglect their loves ones to cheat with their main hoe.
the main hoe name is “gym”.

“where you at?”
“in the gym.”

“who is that in the background?”
“at the gym.”

“where are you going at 3am?”
“to see the gym.”

these attentionistos/nistas obsessed with the gym nowadays.
if they could sleep and eat there,
they would sleep on a treadmill and pay rent.
well this one gym attentionisto,
by the name of solomn allen,
left his cub in the car to go train a client.
the cub was 18 months old.
check this story sent in by the f-bi via daily mail
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Darren Sharper Could As Well Get His Tail Lubed and Ready

darren-sharperi still don’t understand it.
i seriously don’t.
how can darren sharper
this attractive ex baller wolf…
one who could probably get pussy by the pound
end up drugging and raping unsuspecting vixens?
it baffles me.
well he will have a long time to think about his crimes…
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Fake, Fraud, and FlimFlammery: The Life of Apollo Nida

liarliarwell i knew this was going to happen.
i knew it.
i just knew it.
apollo nida from #rhoa was going to come clean sooner or later.
i was waiting for everyone and his idiot wife to play catch up…
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O Cakes Doesn’t Do “Jailbird” (Literally)

Screen Shot 2014-07-20 at 10.44.56 AMi’m sure he hit the bottle that night.
so wolf fav,
omarion aka o-cakes,
got arrested friday.

someone i never thought would be thrown in the big house…
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Steebie Goes To Jail

STEEBIEwell it seems steebie,
aka stevie j from love and hiphop atl fame,
got on the bus today.
one that took him straight to jail.
see steebie owes a couple stacks in child support.
one of the reasons i don’t do “kids”.
tmz of course was there when it all went down…
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