August Alsina Isn’t Having Sex Right Now

Screen Shot 2014-07-24 at 7.50.23 PMhis lips.
august alsina been trying to make me think he “crutes” or something.
he ain’t slick cause it ain’t working!
…i think.
anyway so remember that entry about august ( x putting some vixen’s cervix in a body bag )?
well he had an interview with 106kmel where he addressed the accusations…

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Who Does Daniel “Boobie” Gibson Think He Is?

danielgibsonversion2first of all,
boobie is fine as hell in this shot.
anyway here we have “a soon to be” divorced baller wolf of keyshia cole.
a relationship that made for countless entries and questions.
well daniel “boobie” gibson stayed pretty quiet throughout it all.
well if you don’t count all those sub-grams he was firing off.
if i saw pac one mo’ time…
either way,
he had a lot to say in his rolling out interview about the demise of his ghettofied relationship…
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I Love A Well Spoken… Porno Star?

BmqewD6CQAAKRzN-1i love a well spoken wolf in general.
i hate when i need a decoder.
gotta pull up the urban dictionary app on my phone and shit.
anyway so one of my sexy “late night” porno favs,
had an interview with the wonderful folks at aconnectiontv.
he talks about his life,
career in porn,
and other stuff and i’m quiet impressed…
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Kerry Rhodes Ain’t Gay! (How Much Times He Gotta Say It?)

you could as well stop droolin’ after kerry rhodes.
he is straight.
no, seriously.
well he had a phone interview with espn,
where he denied everything that has been said about him.
  this is what he said about…
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Michael Sam Is About To Bring Louie V Baggage To The NFL

Herm_Edwards-1391440344thats what ^he said.
well in so many words.
so ex jets coach herm edwards is kinda not feeling the “michael sam” revolution.
this is what he told espn on sunday…
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Baller Wolf Aaron Rodgers Really Really Ain’t Gay

d1b0abce3ff211e39c0c22000ab69875_6so you know after the ( x alleged outing ) of baller wolf of the packers,
aaron rodgers,
that the witch hunt would soon begin after.
well like kerry rhodes,
he went and did the ultimate “no no”: defend their straightness.
he had an interview with espn 540 in wisconsin and this is what he had to say…
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