Jamari Gets Sent To The Office (Oh God)


tumblr_lq9gyadswG1qdm61io1_500“jamari i need to see you in the regional manager’s office immediately.”

i hung up and looked at thing 2.
thing 2 being the other assistant.
she reassured me that things would be okay,
but she would say a prayer for me just in case.
i really didn’t want any surprises…
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“5 Things Every Fox Should Know” by A Wolf

Screen Shot 2014-02-26 at 9.43.00 PMeveryone meet “theesupaman”.
wolf extraordinaire.
so one of my email favs sent me a video from him titled,
“5 things wolves want foxes to know”.
so i decided to watch it and of course,
i had my trusty britney gif armed and ready because i knew the antics were coming.
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Is Michael Sam A Bust?

wpid-tumblr_n0rmqpDu8K1rx2g3fo1_500well the truth is michael,
everyone seems to be talking about how bad you did at the combine.
i just did some quick research and well…
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MEAT: (554)

tumblr_n1horzViY11rd45ugo3_500i saw him drop down on my tumblr just now.
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Are You Hard or Just Happy To Be There?

sam-combine-02242014so ^this is the talk of michael sam‘s nfl combine try out.
there is no talk on how he did,
but moreso his alleged hard dick after his 40 yard dash…
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Drake Looks Like He Would Drink Rihanna Period Blood

tumblr_n1kwkoJNcP1qzclrjo1_500i know.
i like when drake is smizing up on rihanna like ^this tho.
i don’t know what she sprinkled on her pussy that turned him out,
but dammit,
bottle it and ship it to me STAT.
drake brought rihanna out on his “would you like a tour” tour in paris, france.
this happened…
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