The Whole (Foods) Truth and Nothing but The Truth


1cb2a17374083.560aa66797b12oooooooooookay so this story baffled me.
i don’t understand get it,
but maybe you will.
so an openly gay pastor,
by the name of jordan brown,
went to go get a cake that said:

“love wins”

…and ended up with a cake that said something different.
that’s the part i’m not getting.
check the story via the new york daily news so we can talk about it…
Continue reading “The Whole (Foods) Truth and Nothing but The Truth”

The Wolf With The Penis

Screen Shot 2016-04-20 at 8.32.54 PM

did anyone see the uncensored picture of ^this sexy wolf?
well let me show you…

this is nsfw,

okay lets go…
Continue reading “The Wolf With The Penis”

Harriet Tubman Will Be On Twenty

12405018-standardwell this a great day for “us”.
andrew jackson OUT.
harriet tubman IN.
what am i talking about?
well check it out via politico
Continue reading “Harriet Tubman Will Be On Twenty”

i’m an ungrateful fox.

not a positive way to kick start this entry talmbout i’m ungrateful,
but i had to be a little honest
Continue reading “i’m an ungrateful fox.”

MEAT: (714)

Screenshot_2016-04-14-14-02-16-1he opens the door,
greets you naked,
and says:

“what you trying to get into?”

…and you say?
i know my answer.

Welcome To How Chris Brown Coulda Won

Screen Shot 2016-04-18 at 7.44.40 PMi’m so confused about this trailer for chris brown and his new doc,
“welcome to my life”.
i have a couple opinions,
but not until you check it out…
Continue reading “Welcome To How Chris Brown Coulda Won”