jose sosa is a clean straight dominican male who doesn’t want dirty gay persons in his dms

i’ve never heard about ^this person before.
most of you have heard of him before.
when he takes pictures like this:


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Cuales de las bebesitas kieren bailar con el ????????

A post shared by Jose Sosa ( fitness & health ) (@el_leon8923) on

i can see why ya’ll heard of him.
personally he looks like any other basic dominican you can catch over in dykman.
well his name is jose sosa aka @el_leon8923 and he is upset.
a vix-by sent me a dm that he had a message for all the gays on ig…

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i don’t even think terry crews knows what he’s talking about

terry crews is lost.
i’m really confused with him these days.
he would just show up in tv shows or comedic movies.
his role were usually memorable.
his ignorance is being showed on social media is his legacy.
he tweeted this about black lives matter that’s getting him dragged…
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republican, matt gaetz, needs to explain something to us all

whenever someone randomly has to “explain something“,
it’s never just “just because“.
there is always a “something” behind it.
florida congressman,
matt gaetz,
figured he should “explain something” on his twitter that had everyone fonting…
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mike mann doesn’t want blm and black gays to co-exist?

straight black males have this notion that “blm” is only about black males.
i started to notice that before folks started to say breonna taylor’s name.
(ex?) porn wolf,
mike mann,
isn’t happy about sharing blm with gay pride month.
this is what is put in his ig stories that a foxholer sent to me…
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we should start calling it “hate crimes” when straight males reject us

trans model and porn star,
ria cooper,
is upset.
she was rejected by someone who she thought would boost her career.
because of this,
she is calling the following a “hate crime“.
well via “western journal“…

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apparently, the dominican wolf who secured the bag is allegedly mad?

as a blogger,
i’ve come to realize people like to control the type of attention they receive.
they’ll post pictures or videos,
but when “theshaderoom“,
or even myself re-post it,
suddenly it’s:


that’s the alleged email i got about edgar and his sugar daddy bae

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