Tag: gays
azealia banks thinks gays are mentally ill and stickin’ peen in bussy means insanity

Azealia Banks was a vision.
she came out around a time that no female rapper was doing what she did.
she has stayed consistent throughout the years.
no other female rapper is doing what she does.
as we know,
azealia has a black belt in dragging.
i think her heavy white stan base,
and the occasional black on-lookers who loves when she drags someone they hate,
are her biggest stans.
someone came for her and she decided to drag the entire gay community…
yung joc thinks rather highly of himself that he wouldn’t perform for gays
in 2017,
tank performed at dc gay pride.
he stood up there,
with no shirt on and looking like a whole thanksgiving meal,
and sung his catalog for his gay fans.
many of those songs are sexual by nature.
hence the iconic:
so when i see yung joc of all people,
talmbout he wouldn’t accept 250k to perform for gays…
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have you ever given head in hopes of being chosen by the straight boy?
as i’ve been writing on the foxhole,
i have heard many stories.
some i’ve been like “huh?” and others i genuinely understand.
gay/bi males want love and when straights surround you,
many who resemble “the prototype”,
are bound to get finessed by one deemed “the one”.
i saw the following question on reddit:
What’s the lowest thing you ever did for a straight boy?
and i’ll be 100 with you…
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chauncey palmer has offended the gays because he said he isn’t attracted to men
lemme ask ya’ll something:
When you go to a restaurant and have a great meal,
do you go find the cook to become besties so you can get free food?
When you go to a concert,
do you go backstage to become friends with the artist after?
probably not because they provided a service.
chauncey palmer,
who is up above,
provides a service but i think some gays forgot.
he was honest about his feelings towards him partaking in gay sex.
this is what he said in a q@a…
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john lawson said there is nothing more repulsive than being hit on by gay males in his dms
john lawson aka @_jplfit was great when he was quiet.
he was like amber rose before she started talking.
after we posted ( x this ) about him,
he has been asking a lot of questions about the gay community.
this is one that i found interesting…
i was sent the following and i just have to font…
the 10 gay males onlyfans to (allegedly) avoid in the digital burn book
is it me or has onlyfans started to run its course?
almost all the attentionistos have one,
the scamming jackals are trying to pull fast ones,
and most of the content is repetitive and boring.
“the burn book club” on twitter has no fucks to give these days.
they are determined to burn the establishment down.
last week,
they did ( x “top 10 gays to avoid” ).
this week,
they are on to the top 10 onlyfans gays to avoid…
Continue reading “the 10 gay males onlyfans to (allegedly) avoid in the digital burn book” →
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