Everytime I Kiss His Ass, He Takes A Huge Dump On Me!!


one of my biggest pet peeves is people who don’t have a mind of their own.
they either have to:

leech off others to get ideas
get their “life” from someone else

everyone always wants to be the original.
you can always tell because they look like a knock off imitation.
they never put life into it because they didn’t think of it originally.
the worse is people latching onto others in hopes to be put on.
this person could treat them like pure shit,
but as long as they can help them get in the door,
they suffer any kind of abuse.
it’s one thing to genuinely meet someone and become friends.
you know they will have your back since you rode with them from the start.
oprah said:

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo,
but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you”

are people only befriending people who can bring them places?
how fake is that?

how can you tell someone only appreciates you because of what you got?
rather than who you are?
makes you look at everyone around you with a nice side eye.
i had to ask…

What are you willing to do to get put on?

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