The Gay Hyena Who Is Suing His Father Over Spending His Lottery Money

just look at it.
it literally turns me on.
so i always like to ask everyone:

What would you do with the money if you won the lottery?

some of the answers are very surprising.
well this gay hyena is suing his father for lottery wins allegedly owed.
peep this nonsense via gay star news
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Mr. Butt Cheeks Lets Daddy Know His Fetish

screen-shot-2016-12-02-at-7-49-20-pmso jacob kohinoor,
aka mr or mrs butt cheeks,
is now a drag queen.
all that “long hair; don’t care” mess was a cover.
what else is new?
an f-bi sent me a video of him coming out to daddy.
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Daddy Please Claim My Body

d124089a75dba8a694ad5de2b17eb75ethis is a really heartbreaking story.
i had to post it because it shows another side of this life.
so all of the orlando victims from the pulse massacre have been buried.
well one father refused to claim his cub after learning he was gay.
this is the story via the advocate
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The Most Offensive Thing I Have Witnessed (Odell Beckham Jr)

Screen Shot 2016-05-29 at 6.07.50 PMthis is the rudest fuckin’ things i’ve seen in a long time.
i don’t even…
so in a nutshell,
a hyena asks odell beckham jr’s father on his ig if his cub is gay.
the father also replied.
an f-bi damn near blew up my emails about this.
look at this shit…
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It Always Leads To Death

tumblr_mpz5ypBIP51s56exfo1_500i started feeling strange on friday.
it may have been that job,
since that has been the source of altering my moods.
it’s funny how my foxy senses was picking up on something.
the one thing i’m always reminded about…

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(Oops) Raven Symone Did It Again (and Again) (Oh, and Again)

CRAgTdCUYAAYS-Qsomething has happened to olivia.
she started out as a cute cub on “the cosby show”,
continued on to do my fav rerun binge on “thats so raven”,
and has officially turned into some sort of bird on “the view”.
raven symone is on 1000.

she has been all kind of dumb “not for the blacks” shit as of late.
so you know she said this
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