Tag: father
did this family even love botham jean because they movin’ so sketchy
this week has been a doozy.
the energy has been really off.
sidebar: i feel so depressed it’s ridiculous.
i’ve been questioning my own levels of forgiveness with this botham jean case.
i thought the brother hugging amber guyger was a shocker,
but the father was talking some mess about friends ‘n’ shit.
this is what he said at botham’s congregation…
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cardi b don’t want no press where her family is concerned
as celebs,
they do qualify to having some boundaries.
the focus should be on them,
but if their families should be off limit.
cardi b got into an incident with a “univison” reporter.
she asked for that her father not be put on tv and well…
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how all fathers should be about their gay sons
i think most fathers are pretty unaccepting of their gay sons.
you see it on social media with some of these fools.
they don’t even have kids and saying “what they’d do“.
it let’s us know their sons will be on the dl until further notice.
thanks dad.
a foxholer sent me a video from a male if he found out his son was gay.
better yet,
if he walked in on him fuckin’ another male…
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will smith is getting dragged for another movie role he might star in
when i watch a biopic,
i like good casting.
i mean,
i want the actor portraying “whoever” to at least resemble them.
will smith did an excellent job portraying muhammed ali in “ali”,
but they want him to do another biopic that has folks talking.
well not even talking.
they angry af.
a foxholer(s) sent me the story via “yahoo news”…
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you’re abusive because of your mother and father
we are really abusive and you don’t even realize it.
this current dragging and ghosting culture is a high key sign.
another sign is how we treat others we claim we love.
even if the person is good to us,
or are our biggest cheerleaders,
we will turn around and treat them like stink trash.
that “love” word can be so dangerous in the wrong hands.
it isn’t until they leave,
or they drop dead,
that we recognize their worth and realize just how trash we really are.
Are some of us low-key psychopaths out here?
so i was talking to one of my older cousins on my mother’s side last night…
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foxhole, please send your condolences to ycolette
my longtime supporters who have been down for me since the beginning are major key.
ya’ll don’t know how grateful i am to have you on this journey.
you’ve stuck with me with the good,
as well as the bad.
i want to send my love and light to ycolette today…
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