“Ya Woulda Been Successful If It Wasn’t For That Meddling Fear!”

They say the bigger the prize means the bigger the risk.

It could be exciting career choices, moving to a new state, or even snagging your Baller Wolf.
But, with these big prizes come bigger fears.
Fears that can make even the bravest Fox/Wolf/or Hybrid feel inadequate.
What is it about getting what you finally want so scary?

Why do we get scared when things start to go our way?

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Blake Griffin Gets Naked

I got hip to Blake when he did his thing at the All star Game.
I thought he was fine as hell.
Other people thought otherwise.
Well, who cares what they think…

Who wants to see Blake in the buff?

Continue reading “Blake Griffin Gets Naked”

He Better Keep Me Satisfied… Or I’m Getting With His Cousin

Nothing is loving like a shiny new Baller Wolf.

Let’s face it, getting a new Wolf that you can tolerate is like riding a bike and not falling.
Or, going to your favorite store and finding out everything is 75% off.
Even, finding a blank check on the ground and going buck wild with “0“.
Better yet, a genie with unlimited wishes…

you get the point.

But, will you be truly satisfied with one Wolf?

Continue reading “He Better Keep Me Satisfied… Or I’m Getting With His Cousin”

Super Smash Football Brothas (Sunday Is Game Day!)

Well if you couldn’t get enough of the game Thursday…

Get ready for Sunday…

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Lay Down Some Rubber (6)

Chad Johnson A.K.A Chad Ochocinco

Devin Thomas

Battle between the Attention Ho and the Attention Ho In Training Camp

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Soooo No More “Kelvin Thomas”, I Presume?

After my last entry, I had given up on Devin Thomas.

Still have in a way.
He doesn’t move me like he did circa his Draft Day – Spring 2011.
But I see he has decided to kill off “Kelvin Thomas” and re-emerge…

Continue reading “Soooo No More “Kelvin Thomas”, I Presume?”