Tag: darrel walls
is this who darrel walls might be giving some good bible study?

church folks are known for giving a good bible study.
for those of us who grew up in the church,
you know how a private bible study sesh can go. sometimes,
it’s with married males,choir directors,
the DLs who play instruments, or even the pastor.
we have fonted about darrel walls before.
( x see it here )
I think he is hot.
he looks innocent but looks like he knows how to carry on a good bible study too.a long and intense bible study.
a F-BI sent me the following about who darrel might be giving bible study too...
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will ray, of zedandnoray, be the one to win the prize of not dying miserable after the breakup?
when you break up,
you start a silent contest with your ex called:
“Who is gonna die miserable?”
i didn’t make the rules.
samatha jones from sex and the city did.
of the defunct half of zednray,
is out here living his best life.
i see him on my timeline religiously.
the foxhole sent me this picture of another foxhole fav and his “collab”.
my box was blown up as soon as this was posted…
darrel walls was suffering for his past pandemic alleged sins
we don’t know who is silently suffering out here.
social media is a smokescreen.
we use it to post pretty pictures and videos to distract others from the truth.
folks will post cutesy relationship shit and be secretly unhappy af.
gospel wolf,
darrel walls,
had quite a season last year.
he learned that someone on his close friends is a snake.
he was exposed to the forests to see kissing another male.
( x see that entry here )
you know kissing males ain’t part of that religion.
darrel claims he went through depression and thoughts of suicide,
but he had a message for all of us since coming out of it…
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did this alleged leakage of darrel walls clappin’ cheeks already confirm his sexuality?

so one of the vix-bi in the comments mentioned darrel walls had a sex tape.
i had to rack my brain to see if i missed fonting about it.
it was one that clearly spilled under my radar.
this is the alleged sex tape from last summer…
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darrel walls learned that your close friends list on IG ain’t really that close
this story is very similar to how king agu and clouse were outed.
they posted themselves kissing on their close friends on ig and someone screen swiped it.
( x see that entry here )
i’ll be 100 with you:
I think “Close Friends” is stupid
i don’t do it on any of my social media accounts.
that shit can be screen shot/recorded and passed around like mono.
if i don’t want the forests to know something,
i’m not posting it under the guise of “close friends”.
this is allegedly how gospel singer,
darrel walls,
got caught up and outed…
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