f0xmail: He, Me, and His Boyfriend He Claim He Don’t Like No Mo


Hey Jamari, I’m new to your website but I love it already! I wanted your opinion on a situation. So basically me and a guy messed around and I caught feelings. A few weeks later he told me he started seeing someone so we kinda stopped talking to each other. I deleted all of his contact information and everything.

A few months passed and we ran into each other, we traded numbers again. We started hanging out again (nothing sexual) but feelings started coming back, mind you he still has a boyfriend. When we would hang out he’d always tell me how he knows his boyfriend is just a college relationship and he doesn’t see them together in the future or he’ll tell me about their issues. He’d always flirt with me whether it be in person or through text messages and tell me that his boyfriend is jealous of me. There was even a time when he went away for spring break and his first stop when he got back into town was my place
(you’d think after being gone a week the first place y
ou would go when you get back at 2am would be home where you live with your boyfriend)

Finally I couldn’t deal with my feelings I was having for him so I just had to tell him and ask if it was mutual and if I was wasting my time waiting for something that would never happen.

His response was “Lol right”

Am I wrong for being angry?

Was I stupid for catching feelings?

How should I handle the situation?


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The New Battered Face of Domestic Violence

Screen Shot 2014-03-01 at 7.46.48 PMthis girl’s story literally depressed me today.
i could not even…
so everyone meet gabriella.
she is an aspiring actress/model who i’m sure all the wolves love.
i’m sure cute ones like i have featured on here.
well she let the wrong wolf into her life and this happened.
(very graphic photos btw)…
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Is This Michael Sam’s Luv-ah?

MICHAELSAMLOVEReveryone meet michael sam’s alleged ^boyfriend.
one of my absolutely favorite f-bi just sent me this gem in an email.
you already know what i think…
Continue reading “Is This Michael Sam’s Luv-ah?”

My Boyfriend Abuses Me, But I Still Go Back To Him

Screen Shot 2013-12-28 at 6.17.03 PMi was curious about him when i was younger.
he was big and strong.
just how i like them.
i just knew he would open my eyes to new experiences.
allow me to be myself.
my parents told me to be careful because he  can be dangerous.
he is a bad boy.
they always wanted to be there when i went out with him.
they didn’t trust him at all.
once they both left to join the one above,
it was just me and him.
all alone.
he treated me good for a while.
bought me pretty things,
made me look good,
and introduced me to interesting people.
suddenly he started to turn on me.
he beat me down so many times.
often making me feel like i wasn’t worth shit.
continuously bending me over against my will.
fucking me hard until i cried.
he made me his bitch.
he made everyone his bitch sadly.
it was like i liked the abuse or something,
even tho he hurt me continuously,
i always learned something with him.
he intensified my presence.
he taught me how to be tough,
not to cry,
and to stand up for myself.
he made people fear me from all the lessons i learned.
he taught me about class and the finer things of life.
for the last two years,
we haven’t really been getting along again.
i was so depressed.
i threw him the middle finger and i was out.
i needed a break and of course,
i cheated on him with someone else.
this new guy provided me with warmth,
even tho low key,
he was kinda… boring.
there was no excitement,
his style was super wack,
and i would end up settling to someone my heart was not fully with.
my ex could go all night.
he never went to sleep.
this one shut down after a while.
i won’t lie tho,
he did make me feel wanted.
way different than my first boyfriend.
the one i couldn’t stop thinking about.
see what he does to me?
it’s like he has under his control.
i look at others and no one will ever be like him.
some of my friends tell me leave him alone!
go to that other guy!
you are stupid if you stay jamari!
easy for them to say.
he will forever be my heart and something continuously attracts me to him.
so i’m back with him.
i know.
i know.
i decided to give him another chance.
this go round,
i feel a lot different.
that other guy taught me to be more laid back and go with the flow.
if it isn’t working out and i’m not happy,
then i need to say “fuck you” and just walk away.
how do you walk away from your addiction?
well i’m giving him two months or so.
if he doesn’t get it together then i’m gone.

f0xmail: I Only Know The Inside of His Buttcheeks. Boyfriend Material?

Maibox at Mailbox PeakFOXMAIL

Hey Jamari, Ok so let me get right into it.
I got a phone call last night from my Wolf friend (26) about his relationship with a Fox (30) that he was been with for the past two months. He called me after he got done having sex with his fox and was going on and on about how good the sex was and how he ate him out and banged him for an hour straight from every position (No lie, the shit he was telling me in detail kinda turned me on seeing that I’m celibate at the moment… *sighs*). But that’s not the reason he called me. So as usual we do our usual talk relationships and some of the issues that they are dealing with and I started to notice that the more we talked about their relationship and it’s issues the only thing they really had in common is sex.

Now I’m not the one to try to convince people that what they do is right and wrong because every relationship is different but I blatantly asked him  “What are 5 things that are positive that you like about him?” First thing he said out his mouth was “I like how he look when he naked and how he suck my dick”. I started laughing like naw nigga I mean what personality traits does he have that you like. I swear when I asked him that question the phone got silent to the point to where you could hear a pin drop. He then started listing some traits that he liked about him say that he can be sweet, considerate, and caring. I said ok, those are good traits to have but why does it seem like every time me and you are on the phone you are in a pissy mood saying that this nigga stresses you out because of his constant complaining and blaming you for issues in your relationship. He has said more than once that this relationship makes him feel drained but that the sex is so good tho that it is hard to let go.

We have had this conversation about them needing to sit down and talk about their issues man to man instead of pushing them under the rug for the past two months and nothing ever seems to change. It always ends up being “We will talk about it later after I get finished fucking him to sleep.”

Something that really shocked me about our talk last night was the fact that he said that he doesn’t know if he is truly happy and at times feels that the fox’s attitude is pushing him away. He said that he really likes this guy but at the same time wishes that he could just enjoy his freedom and not feel obligated to have to answer to someone all the time who is going to bitch and complain 24/7. I’m not going to go into much detail about what the arguments have been about but 9/10 they are pointless and unnecessary.

I don’t want to tell my friend that he should end things because you never know if they are telling the full side of the story and I don’t want to be the blame for anything if they do decide to end things but I’m starting to become drained by the constant talks of them fussing and arguing.  My issue is that if you call me damn near everyday about problems in your relationship, why can’t you talk to your boyfriend about your problems and what steps are you taking forward to fix them. The whole relationship just seems toxic but at the same time that doesn’t mean that the problems aren’t fixable.

So my question(s) are:

1)      Do you think the reason why so many gay relationships fail is because we have no healthy standard or examples of what a gay relationship should be like?
2)      Is good sex enough to keep a relationship going that has problems?
3)      At what point is enough, enough?


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I’m His Side Piece and The Main Will Fuckin’ Deal.

i had some basic jackal thinking today…

Continue reading “I’m His Side Piece and The Main Will Fuckin’ Deal.”