Attack of the Six-Foot-Five Eighteen Year Old

tumblr_mhzgl6567H1qk5j8to1_1280well hello there…
i saw this picture and had to find out who this was.
all that meat could meet my walls at full force.
with a lead,
i tracked him down and well…

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Track Star Wolf, Chocolate, and His Tattoos

let’s move onto some meat real quick.
all this kerry talk has made me hungry.
i dunno if for meat or chocolate.
this time coming from:

tumblr_m8ev2xoGdG1r8ekbfo1_500 David Oliverthat is david oliver.
track hurdles star.
record breaker.
trophy winner.
wolf you may mess around and let hit on the first night.
well when i saw this:

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Alvin Bowen Needs A Modelling Job

remember him?

alvin-bowen-19that’s alvin bowen.
i spoke about him in entries past.
he is my new york neighbor,
new jersey wolf,
with a body i’d let smash.

he use to play for a whole bunch of teams,
but now he is a free agent.
he is still getting his modelling career on and well…

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remember them?

Day26_1i bought both their albums.
if i knew they would break up,
i woulda copped those joints for free.
i won’t even lie,
their music was really good.
one member always stood out so i had to ask…

Continue reading “LAY DOWN SOME RUBBER: (89)”

Trey Burke Enters The NBA Draft… and The Foxhole Meat Locker

92ac3a1c96fe11e28d7d22000a1f981a_6i’m starting to think every light skin wolf gets the “breezy wolf tattoo special”.
they purposely go and get a mural on their chest.
we know you got the complexion for crayola but damn…
either way,
one of my favorite readers wanted to show off
the newest in pre baller wolf meat to grace the foxhole…

Continue reading “Trey Burke Enters The NBA Draft… and The Foxhole Meat Locker”

Lebron James Just Murdered The…

lebron_james_by_bosslogic-d54ir0ei always thought lebron had the ultimate “wolf’s body”.
his height and frame is sick.
well king james posted a new picture on fb and well…

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