Tag: black women
black women are the reason why so many black males are DL

excuse my french right quick.
In every chapter in my life,
there was always some stupid BITCH who loved weaponizing to my sexuality.
they could NEVER mind their business.
it was always someone i thought was cool.
they were so busy in my front yard but in their own backyards:
A) they didn’t realize their manz wanted to stuff my ass with his cream
B) their own manz was cheating on them HEAVY or didn’t even like them
C) no one outside of their clique of other stupid bitches liked them either
i had to get that off my fingers.
it has been sitting on my spirit for years.
it was always one defective hoe in the batch who was becoming like her mother.
they were evolving like a pokemon into the bitch mother they hated so much for being nosy.

so a discussion about how black vixens make every male DL.
“the neighborhood talk” posted it and i wanted to correct something…
black women dragged keyon for being black and in a relationship with a man
some black vixens are as homophobic as black straight males.
God forbid they are lonely,
living fiercely through The Bible,
looking to breed…
And you are gay but don’t look like the “stereotype” that they are used to.
it’s over for you.
a foxholer filled me in on the hate keyon aka @calikingkeyon faced.
he posted this…
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Sistas Need To Assemble and Hug Kanye With Love and Light!
see this be the type of shit…
ebro from hot97 legit had me vex today.
i love he was allegedly trashing kanye,
but was pretty much exposed texting kanye this:
well i was on the train coming home when i saw this…
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Hazel-E IG Meltdown Was Not Sponsored By Duracell
that is a real animal.
this is one of the reasons i’m glad i stay off of reality tv.
we tend to give those who don’t deserve it a platform.
one of the “somethings” on “love and hiphop hollywood”,
went on some kind of ig meltdown dissing black vixens.
strike 2.
strike 1 is that face of hers.
it was the rant against the gays that really banished her tho.
well the jackal she dates,
went on the rant and she cosigned…
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White Gays Found Out Having Ratchet Coochie Is Better
well i didn’t say it.
TIME magazine did.
matta fact it was black female writer,
sierra mannie,
who addressed all the white gays who act like culture vultures in TIME.
culture vultures being:
“uh huh!
no you dih’ntttttttt”
basically being a over ratchet caricature of a black vixen.
the one from the hood with 3 kids from 3 different baby daddies,
name starts with some variation of “la”,
and has various hair colors within the weave.
here is a snippet of what was said…
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He Sat Up Here and Left My Ass For A White Girl!
this sistas this weekend had a fit about a black baller wolf!
you know that only happens when:
a – he’s on the d/l
b – he gets in a relationship with a snow bunny
well this time it was “b”.
all d/l wolves are safe… for now.
robert griffin III of the redskins got married to his snow bunny,
rebecca liddicoat,
over the weekend and well..
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