some of us are the starter gays for males looking to start gay sh*t

i don’t think we realize the amount of curious males out there.
ones who are watching us.
we don’t even realize until two obvious signs:

1 – He is up in your space
2 – He is trying too hard to act like he doesn’t like you

when we get into our heads or have low self-esteem,
we think that no one is interested or we are invisible.
if we didn’t try to prove he was gay/bi to ourselves,
even though the signs were pretty clear,
we would have realized that he was watching HARD (literally).
que sera sera,
i saw this comment from a curious male in the forest

I’m a straight dude, and I’m kinda reaching that point in my life where like…idk, maybe I’ll try it out. There’s gotta be something to it, I mean, they have parades and a whole culture around it. I know plenty of gay dudes and nearly all of them are physically fit. They all seem so happy and joke around and just…fuck each other and play volleyball.

so they are all ken dolls?

Even the fat dudes dress to the fuckin’ 9’s and are like, epitomes of style.

My classmate from college had a boyfriend named Scott, and he’s like….the dude is hot. He’s the most attractive guy I’ve ever seen. He’s like something a gay guy created in a lab or some shit. He dresses like a goddamn model and he plays piano, he can sing. He used to be a bartender and he has like, this backlog of drinks on-memory and can make you just about anything you like.

I remember I told my classmate, “That guy is a catch, what the fuck.” and we’re sipping Mai Tais and it’s gay as hell but I’m like, cool with it.

I’ve only ever been with chicks my whole life and I love the female body, but when I turn like, 40? I dunno man maybe I’ll switch it up.

I could be down with being in amazing shape, be tan and walk around in a tiny speedo, maybe paired with a Hawaiian shirt and some glasses that properly accent my face. Maybe I’d be a top, or maybe I’d be a power-bottom. Maybe I’d hate it. Maybe I’d dig it. idk man, life is too short to not juggle that idea around.

Or maybe I’m just a freak, idk. Life is weird.

there was a curious male i was so hung up on a few years ago.
the pretty vixen said this to me:

“That dude is interested in you but he isn’t gonna choose or date you.”

…and as much as it hurt my feelings,
she was right.
there are times in life:

We end up being the starter gay for a curious male.
We’re the ones who activated his “curiosity” button.
All he did was look,
and jack off to the thought of us but that was it.
that male was a bully to us too.

he might circle the block later on in life,
but someone else manages to get him before we do.
it could be “right place at the right time“,
he wasn’t that interested in us,
or God was protecting us from a mess we couldn’t see.

I have pressed many curious buttons in many males but they never chose me to be “the one”.

even though i wanted to get fucked,
my feelings got fucked instead.
for many of these males,
their lives are like the book “the alchemist“.

They gotta go do the straight thing until they realize the real treasure was where they first started when the button was pressed.

this is why they go hunting for you on facebook,
once they’ve left the vixen or had their DL experiences.

what happens next?
anything you want.

lowkey: imagine a dude coming back and telling you he has been in love with you for years and never stopped thinking about you.
it happens to the straights all the time.
it can happen to you too.

comment found: reddit

1 thought on “some of us are the starter gays for males looking to start gay sh*t

  1. Chile this whole post sounds like a beautiful fantasy. I’m a hopeful romantic so that would be cute happy ending for me. At least if he does end up gay, can he at least keep his normalcy and don’t go off the gay deep end? That would be too ideal and life doesn’t work like that 🤣

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