so i decided to check marvin biename ig annnnndddddd…
…wtf happened?
did some jealous hyenas and jackals report his page?
i hope not because:
a) i go there to have nice dreams
b) he is a black wolf trying to promote his business
regardless of how he runs it to get these wolves,
he is pretty harmless.
well i hope.
in my line of work,
there is always something.
i’m sure i’ll get some f-bi scoop soon.
lowkey: maybe he changed the name?
visit his website: here
TBH – he brings the bad Karma on himself. I purchased a membership to Quality Man. Looked at the “Exclusive BTS” and they were blurred or had emojis. WTF?!? I left a comment asking why the censoring on paid memberships and he blocked my PAID account on the first day I had it. Not a good business person at all.
Is it that serious though?
Plenty of thot pages on Instagram if you’re that thirsty.
LMAO @ “thot pages”
Hey Jamari looks like his page is back, crisis averted
That’s not his official page though. The one that got taken down had over 140K followers. This, I believe, is his backup page that he already had created just incase his main page gets deleted. Apparantley, a lot of people has gone through the same shit he just went thru. Some got their accounts back and some unfortunately didn’t. I really do hope he gets it back or I wont be able to slide in his new models DM’s LOL
I never cared to read his last name and i just did. Does he have french ancestors or something? His name means “well loved” in french
Bienaime is a name used in the Haitian culture as well as Toussaint (Toussaint Louverture, revolutionary hero for haiti’s independence1804), François, Dominique, or Gregory. Haitians have facial characteristic like the arch eye brows and jaw line. Now that I realize it, his client have that island look.
Ok thx i didn’t know he’s from Haiti, they speak french there i guess that why they have those names. We use those names too where i come from, but as first names (like mine), our last names are necessarily in our tribal languages
Speaking of Toussaint, it’s Toussaint celebration today or yesterday it depends on what time zone you are.
Hey Louis, you could be mistaken for a Haitian as well, yeah your name is prevalent in the Haitian community. Haiti was a french colony that rebelled and yes we do speak french but our predominate language use is creole ( mixture of the african and french language). The Toussaint celebration I know of is flag day in May 18. Where i live in Miami’s Little Haiti we have night ceremonies that day and crowds come in a parade with tribal music of horn and drums I hear behind my house. Too bad the country is ravage by the earthquake and hurricane tho.
It’s really sad what happened there, i hope your family is ok. Haiti is strong, from what i learned that country went through so much but is still, you will survive and rise.
For Toussaint i was talking about the catholic celebration not the hero lol, it the celebration of all saints in heaven (or something like that).
I’m from Cameroon, Central Africa, old german colony first then french & english colony… and portuguese have been there too (that country is kinda a hoe errybody been in it) btx Cameroon comes from Camaroes meaning shrimp en portuguese because the river they sail on to land in the country is full of shrimps.
So we’ve a french part and an english part like canada, and i’m from the french part. Since we have like 300 and more national languages it’s easier to speak french although young people speak “camfranglais” a mixture of french english and tribal language, but it’s just for the street, you don’t speak that at home or at school tho. But in the english part they have a creole or pidjin called kamtok (cameroon-talk), english is more for academic field.
I would love to visit Haiti and other islands one day, in my mind is always the carnaval there.
But who cares if they are gay though? Stop that Jamari, you are way better than that sweetie. At the end of the day, here’s why I like and respect you. You show love to most of his clients on your site and even other models as well. Thank you for supporting our people Jamari and that’s the reason why I follow your blog. SOmetimes you get messy but you are still cautious and may not want to tarnish any models brand if they havent done it themselves boo!
Look on his website. There is an email there I believe
^my thing is i hit him up,
what’s in it for me and the foxhole?
i like his ig,
but i def ain’t trying to help someone who gonna ignore me as he does now.
is that wrong to say outloud?
LOL Try reaching out to him and see if he responds for an interview. You never know until you try Jamari. I really want his IG page back so I, and your FOX HEAUXS, I meant HOLES, can slide in his models DM’s and perhaps get set on a hot date with them lol Oops, Did I say that too loud????
^LOL ill hit him up and see what’s good.
those model wolves are assumed straight until proven “insert sexuality here”.
ironically they have seen their entries on the foxhole…
I mean, I believe so LOL if you look on his website, which you posted the link, I saw a couple nudes on there. I mean, some are frontal lol but he puts a line or something creative to block the meat though lol. I read in the comments someone saying he will ask u to shoot nude or something or that nature. SO WHAT??? shit, thats what we wanna see is nudes dammit LOL Google “APEEL COLLECTION” ….they are so much worse. How the hell you are promoting a LEGIT underwear and have THUG MEN posing in faggot positions to sell underwear to str8 men?? Also, yall got to read what this man does. He even says on his IG that he’s not a talent agency. He just do photoshoots and marketing to get sexy guys notice. He doesnt sign anyone except for that guy Donny I believe. Everyone else, all I see he does is just photographs them and send them on their way. People hating on this man, got his page deleted and no I cant get my daily dose of BLACK MEAT!!!!
^well he needs to get that up ASAPY!
i want to see more john.
he also didn’t release the shoot with baby d’angelo.
someone call instagram so they can reverse this!
Why dont you be so kind and inbox me or email him with a suggestion on how to get his page back up? Be honest, don’t you visit his page every day like I do? lol
^i don’t know his email!
or yours!
^and ima need an interview with marvin too.
i have questions.
I, too, saw that his page was gone this morning. Why do people hate on this man so much? He is bringing us so MANY fine azz wolves and we got to report him and get his page taken down? This man has been nothing short of an inspiration to black men and has honestly used his platform creatively to put a lot of these SEXY men on!! So why hate on the man? smh. I really enjoyed going on his page and looking at all those fine ass specimen. Regardless of what they say about this man, he has helped a lot of these good lookin men I tell ya thats for sure! Let’s start uplifting eachother y’all and start a petition to help get his page back. I need something to jack my dick off too every morning lol
^oh they try to shut the foxhole down too!
it is really annoying the lengths hyenas and jackals will go.
you mind your business and do your thing but some they can’t take it.
i hope marvin can get up and running again.
like you jordan,
ive had some good restful nights because of his ig.
LOL We both have; and I appreciate you agreeing with me. I saw the last thread you posted about his latest model and so many FAGGOTS hating on this man. Shut up and let him introduce us to new models so we can slide in their dms and probably fuck LOL. Fags can be some jelous azz bitches I tell ya. Y’all know how many photographers out there actually post frontal nudes of the sexy men they shoot? And yall worried about this man shooting nudes of sexy men too? LOL Quiet as it’s kept, I honestly wish I could be a fly during his photoshoots cuz man those boys be SO MUFCKIN FOOOIIINNNEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! Dear fags, go on other photographers page such as Gregory Presscott, Apeel Collection, Rick Day, and look at all the nudes they do of their men and let me see what y’all got to day about that cuz to me, FRONTAL NUDES in a photosoot aint sexy; it aint leaving no mystery at all. But yall giving this man flack about nudes SMH Jealous queens!!!
^he does nudes????
i saw a few cheek photo shoots from marvin,
but ever anything nude.
john just had a towel on and it wasn’t even explicit.
the foxhole was pretty supportive of marvin and his shoots.
we questioned how come a lot of his models jump ship,
but we never turn down the chance to look at some good meat.
I checked on his client Donny’s page and Donny says his account got disabled and deleted by Instagram automatically
did john get his shut down?!
thanks jordan for this update!