quincy brown will be used in this entry about cute, handsome, fine, or sexy

I think Quincy Combs is cute but I don’t think he is sexy.

there is nothing wrong with that in my eyes.
that would not stop him from getting sex in any forest.
i saw a video posted of him and even though he was showing us what that tongue do

…and i wouldn’t kick him out of bed,
it was cute.

i think many males fall into 4 categories.
and sexy.

this is my breakdown:


A dude with boyish good looks and is very playful.
He tends to have softer features and has a sweet and have a warm energy.

They tend to be very “guy next door” who can make anyone feel comfortable.
I feel like those types of males are often confused with being gay.


A very well groomed and facially attractive.
We notice the facial first because and have symmetrical features.
They tend to be very mature and often soft spoken.
They usually let their faces do the speaking for them.


This one has both looks and bawdy.
It’s the males that are often described as “he’s so (damn) fine”.
When he walks in a room,
everyone pays attention to how he looks and carries himself.

He is smooth and just knows himself.
These types tend to be visually striking and have crazy style.


Sexy isn’t about looks to me.
Sexy is an intense energy that makes others drawn to them in a deeper and unexplainable way.
To some people,
it’s not even about having confidence either.
There are plenty of sexy people out here that don’t have confidence.
Its just “something about you” that makes you appealing.
It can be how he carries himself,

how he speaks,
how he looks at people,
or how his body looks.
Sexy can mean many different things but it often starts with your vibe.

There are plenty of people who aren’t facially cute or got nice bawdies that are sexy AF.
Also to add: sexy isn’t trying so hard to look like they are good in bed either.
Sexy is natural and can’t be faked.

you can also upgrade.
cute can move up to handsome and fine.
that usually happens with age or getting into a relationship.
you can also be handsome and fine but also mixed with sexy as well.
those types learned who they are and what they like.
there are my visuals to add more context:





Tyler “I needs dat expeditiously” Lepley on how it feels to be loved by a Black woman 🥹 #harlem #harlemonprime #tylerlepley #blacklove

♬ original sound – Unbothered


these are MY examples and they aren’t law.
one thing i’ve learned about being either cute,
or sexy:

All of things have power.
Figure out what your vibe is.

you can be cute and make people feel real comfortable.
you can be fine and know how to wrap people around your finger.
one is not better than the other.
we all have positives and negatives that can work to our advantage.

Once we figure out where our power lies,
and not try so hard being something we aren’t,
it will make things so much easier.

5 thoughts on “quincy brown will be used in this entry about cute, handsome, fine, or sexy

  1. Jamari, I applaud the effort with your list and also appreciate that you said this list is not law, but on some level, I have to disagree.

    In real life I understand the idea of “Cute” they’re some people who will make you take a double take, triple take, or outright stare. I don’t know if “ Cute” applies to grown people, I always thought “ Cute” is for babies, children, and maybe senior citizens.

    I think age has a whole lot to do with it and just going through your list your “Cute” category just needs to be upgraded, quite frankly everyone on this list really would go in the fine and sexy category.  

    Jacob Latimore is 28 years old, that’s “Fine”, cute goes out the window

    Diggy Simmons is 29 years old, and that’s grown and “Fine”, maybe when he was on “Runs House” 15 years ago that would’ve been cute or adorable but he needs to be upgraded to grown and sexy.

    Michael B. Jordan is 37 years old and nearly 40, he’s grown and sexy. Jordan is weird because if we’re honest ever since he won the sexiest man alive from “ People” magazine in 2020 there has been an active campaign to make him less than sexy. It’s time to respect Michael’s sexy.

    Quincy is 33 years old, it’s time just to say he’s fine and just move on. I know there is some “light skin” hate out there and it doesn’t help that his personality is kind of corny.

    Morris Chestnut has always been the standard bearer of sexy so it’s odd to see him marked as simply handsome. He needs a definite upgrade to grown and sexy. The same can be said about Brad Pitt at 60 years old.

  2. I always wondered how to tell the difference between cute, handsome, fine and sexy. This was a great list!

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