aaron hernandez dl lover comes out (with the story)

aaron hernandez was definitely not hers.
she was sharing that wolf…
so i guess it’s safe to come out with the “stories” now.
the brother of aaron hernandez opened up about his growing up.
now the alleged lover of aaron hernandez has come to the surface.
not the alleged jailbird on cell block “d”,
but another one.
this one’s name is dennis sansoucie.
he allegedly was aaron’s alleged high school ting.
this is what he had to share via “the daily mail”
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did aaron hernandez father secretly ruin him?

some of the older generations really ruined some of us.
i’m talking generation x and the baby boomers.
gay or straight.
i don’t know how some of them were raised,
but they definitely took their issues out on us.
it’s obvious how some are try to reclaim their youth.
it becomes a dangerous cycle,
through millennials and generation z,
until someone decides to stop.
unfortunately ex nfl baller jackal,
aaron hernandez,
decided to stop by killing himself.

new reports have taken a deeper look into his childhood.
one that was riddled with abuse and molestation.
this will be a two part entry.
it all seemed to allegedly start when his father passed in 2007,
the same year he took ^that yearbook picture,
but it seems his life was pure hell before that via “the daily mail”
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todrick hall learns his stans might be as crazy as he is

when you have social media influence,
folks who don’t know you will go hard for you

that means those who follow your journey will be protective of you.
you can’t be posting anything and everything.
todrick hall has learned that.
when he posted that rant about his ex danny,
his legion of stans went ape shit about.
it got so bad that they sent danny death threats.
todrick had to post these apology videos with the quickness…
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vinny watson is wanted for murder

*the following is rated xxx
viewer discretion is strongly advised

so i came across a tumblr about vinny watson.
it’s called “daddy v ig v_watson”.
it was heavily promoting his sexual relationship with jah.
i don’t know if it’s really vinny,
but i gotta font
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it’s bad when other rappers are dragging kanye too

that is a recent picture of kanye realizing he’s getting dragged bald.
that visit to the white house did him absolutely no favors.
i saw a few clips and i’m still disgusted by the whole scenario.
it was very “tap dancing in full hd and stereo” to me.
it’s so bad,
some of the rapper wolves got in on the dragging too.
my favorite was from diddy
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odell beckham jr and saquon barkley get caught in an embrace (of sorts)

some males fan the flames of their rumors,
especially when it’s alleged gay rumors.
nfl baller wolf,
odell beckham jr,
is no stranger to his alleged gay rumors.
he truly has no fucks to give about them.
i saw this clip with him and rookie,
saquon barkley,
in a recent game

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