tank been telling ya’ll he is an ally for the gay community but ya’ll don’t listen

i’ve always been a fan of tank and his music.
he is a major talent for singing and writing for other artists too.
i bought his first album and was into it heavy.
this is my favorite tank song EVER:


it did help he brought a nicely wrapped meaty package with his music.

Sidebar: For my birthday years ago,
I really wanted his second album,
“One Man”.
This chick that was once a friend bought me THE BOOTLEG CD.
from Chinatown.
I was SO MAD because I would have never bought her a bootleg.

earlier this year,
i was listening to tank‘s music on a swivel.
i was into “sex love and pain part 2” HEAVVVVVVYYYYYY.
tank had a recent interview with “drink champs“,
which is hosted by norega and dj efn.
he was asked about him performing for gay pride events

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stop hiding behind gender identity!

dating is hard as it is for everyone,
especially gay males.
everyone thinks it’s easy to jump on an app and find love.
that might be true because i know a few that have,
but it’s the same process as looking for a job.
you gotta fill out a lot of applications and interviews before the one.
who is to say the job is what you expected once you are onboarded?

Imagine meeting someone but they never told you they transitioned from female to male?

that was a recent post i saw on reddit that i wanted to share.
it was titled,
stop hiding behind gender identity“…

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i have a question about weapons and the people who own them

i have a question for the foxhole.
it’s a quick one.
i don’t want to take up much of your time.
so one of ^these guns,
an ar-15,
was used by that killing hyena in the texas ar massacre yesterday.
he allegedly uploaded his guns to his ig stories.
the damage to those poor kids was so bad,
they literally had to swab their parents for dna to identify them.
they said those kids were ripped apart by the impact of the bullets.
so i did some research and saw how powerful these guns really are.

this is where my question comes into play…

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joe budden gets with isaiah rashad

there was a time i would have rode joe budden until the last stop in jersey.
i still have fantasies of a voice like his waking me up at 3 in the morning.
i need him to stop smoking cigarettes tho.

joe budden continues to go places in his career.
he really finagled the bag after everyone counted him out.
even with all of his scandals and all his past shenanigans,
he ain’t going back to that old life.
i don’t even think rapping wolf,
isaiah rashad,
was gonna talk to anyone in the media.
as you know,
he was ( x outed ) last year.
he felt comfortable for joe to bag that interview right quick…

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the next mass shooting to hashtag this week is in uvalde, texas.

uvalde, texas.
a town that,
according to wiki,
had 15k residents in 2010.
so it’s a small town within a very large texas.
now it’ll be known for yet another senseless mass shooting.
i was making lunch/dinner and broke down and cried.
i’m one of those people these days.
my empathy is on high but i’ve been trying to turn it down.
i had a headache and decided to take a nap.
when i woke up,
i saw that it was an elementary school this time.
robb elementary school.

19 kids.
3 Adults.

these are kids who were about to be on summer vacation in a few days.
these were fuckin’ babies foxhole.
you know what makes me so sad about this too?…

Continue reading “the next mass shooting to hashtag this week is in uvalde, texas.”

when ministering to someone ends in your senseless murder

as christians,
you need to be careful with who you help.

some folks don’t deserve your kindness.
if ^christopher griggs asked for your help,
i’m sure many would try to help him.
ulterior motives on the low,
i’m sure.
rev. martia harrell tried to help and he returned the favor by killing her.
per newsweek

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