christian walker is becoming chaotic neutral?


in tv shows,
there is usually one character who is presented as the villain.
during that season,
they have it out for the protagonist.
by the end of the season,
something happens and they get humbled.
during the next season,
even though they still cause minor chaos,
they usually turn good or try to do good.

I think that is Christian Walker’s current arc.

a broken clock can be right twice a day…

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another celebrity takes their life and we need to “check in on people”? (massive eye roll)

here we go…
a celebrity takes their own life and everyone remembers they are human.

“We gotta check in on our strong friends.”
“Please check in on people.”

…and other phrases that show me how self-absorbed we can be.
 stephen “twitch” boss decided to stop living yesterday.
we are left with a ton of questions

but suddenly…

We understand that people,
including our friends,
could be struggling too.

…which will only last a week.
we will repost their greatness and accomplishments AFTER they died.
this is what i’ve come to realized…

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guys! that is not lil fizz bootyhole on his onlyfans! he got set up!

i’m all for “say nothing” tactic.
you wanna get a novel in your dms or texts?
hit someone with “ok”
when they violate.
if i hit you with just “k”

so why even explain yourself when you are in a scandal?

1. You say something and you look guilty.
2. You say too much and you look guilty.
3. You say not enough/nothing at all and you look guilty.

it’s best to keep them talking because tomorrow or even next week,
someone else nonsense will snatch their attention away.
lil fizz,
and his alleged leaked bootyhole on his onlyfans,
is the talk of socials.
( x i been posted it here )
he decided to respond to all the allegations and well…

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Protected: that boyy, that bawdy, that booty, that blessing

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“please don’t pull my hair and get out my car”, fame said to rico pruitt (or the other way around?)

we saw onlyfans stars,
rico pruitt and fame,
let us into their lives and bedrooms during their relationship.
they were ridin’ wit lil tayh ( x during his squabble with jd blackstone ).
a foxholer sent me a video of them physically fighting in a car today…

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christian walker was slightly offended by elijah schaffer so he outed him

christian walker is on a mission to drag cheaters out of the closet.
he found his father,
herschel walker,
wasn’t shit and has been dragging him every chance he got.
i’d pay to see footage of his reaction to his father losing in ga.
so ever since then,
christian has been on the warpath.
elijah schaffer…

who runs the website,
( x slightly offensive ),
had this to tweet about christian and his dad losing:

 which christan responded

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