you gotta watch your so called “friends” out here.
they’ll can have you lose everything that you worked hard for.
so i fonted about nfl baller wolf,
mychal kendricks,
getting caught up in insider trading.
(i don’t really understand what “insider trading” is?
can the lawyer foxhole explain…)
it looks like his new team wasn’t with the shits.
this is what a foxholer sent me from “espn”…
The Cleveland Browns have released linebacker Mychal Kendricks after he was charged Wednesday with insider trading by federal prosecutors to make nearly $1.2 million in illegal profits on four major investments four years ago.
In a statement, the Browns said they were aware of Kendricks’ involvement prior to signing him to a one-year deal in June, but “circumstances have changed” and the team has elected to release him.
Damilare Sonoiki, a television writer, also has been charged with assisting Kendricks in his investments.
According to prosecutors, Sonokoi is a former investment banking analyst at a large investment bank who tipped Kendricks to four corporate acquisitions from the back from July 2014 to November 2014.
In exchange for the illegal tips, prosecutors say Kendricks gave Sonoiki $10,000 in cash kickbacks along with additional perks like tickets to Eagles games and a luxury car service.
is it wrong to font that i think damilare is attractive?
i’m not blind.
so i’m just gonna font it…
Mychal Kendricks might be allegedly fucked
…and not in the good way.
this is not going to go over well with any other team.
has mychal lost his entire career over this?
now he has no job,
might face jail time,
and have to pay back 1.2 million too?
when it rains; it definitely pours.
damilare was working on “black-ish”.
that is one of the most popular shows on abc.
what the hell were they thinking?
i hope he has a black up plan because…
lowkey: does this mean he is going to jail?
mychal cannot do jail with those big butt cheeks.
article cc: espn
Now this will be the REAL prison bae. Jeremy Meeks who?? LOL just kidding.
I think most of us have at least had a slight thought about heading down the fast money route (just thoughts, not acting on it) however not everyone is bold enough (for a lack of a better term) to go forward with it. I personally just don’t ever want to experience prison or jail so I guess thats what deters me from doing illegal shit. However when you’re strapped for cash or working in a dead end depressing job the grass will always seem greener on the other side for those living the fast life. So I can somewhat empathise.. Didn’t JT from the City Girls get incarcerated for fraud? Sometimes you gotta question if this is all worth it…
I couldn’t exactly tell if Mychal was “unhappy” or not but this sure is unfortunate.
Easy money is usually the downfall of many. There was a Congressman who was recently accused of insider trading. His family dumped some stock right before the company’s stock tumbled in the market.
Instead if taking accountability for his actions, we got the “I didn’t know” speech at the press conference. HE won’t go to jail, but Mychael just might. If only to be made an example of as an NFL (now former) player (as another poster mentioned).
My thing is this, he had to know this guy was doing shady business, and I hate to say it, but brothas don’t cover their tracks very well. They may THINK they’re doing a good job…but they’re not. Whites as well, but they seem to go a little longer before getting caught. Lol
I hope he gets a slap on the wrist for this foolishness, but Feds don’t play. If he talks, he might get a deal. I’d be singing like songbird!
Wow …..this…….is………..UNBELIEVABLE
Thanks for the posting that interview. Never heard him talk before but aside from bad moral judgements, he is definitely my kind of wolf. I’d tweeze those eyebrows and give him the business lol.
Jammy, always coming through with the real. Lawd swollen anuses?!? Ugh I remember watching Oz as a kid. That show showed how easy it was to be passed around like a chew toy for these nasty beasts. No sir!
I wish this guy the best. If you ever looked at his instagram he seemed very unhappy, his eyes said a lot. I hope he pulls through.
I’ve also thought the same, but I was told I read too much into things. 9 times out of 10 I’m usually right. Might take some time, but it usually happens.
I hate that he is caught up in this mess, but he should have known that there was a chance he would get caught. Now, he lost his job because of this and there’s a possibility he may not get signed again. At the end of the day, I hope everything works out for him and he uses this unfortunate lesson to better himself for the future.
It’s not that bad in prison for some dudes. Well, depending on where you go, but I had a cousin in Angola for murder….who used to send me letters and encourage me not to follow his path I used to get pics and of some of the events they had. We also have a sort of event called the rodeo where prisoners down here sell their arts and things they make while incarcerated. Followed by an actual rodeo comepetition. I’d like to say that there are some very talented men that are locked up, sadly. Some of them are sexy as hell too.
With that said, I know a lot of gay men think prison is fantasy sex land but it’s definitely not where you want to be, especially if you are gay or transgender.
Gay men need to be put in protective services for a reason. They will f**k you raw, and with or without lube (spit) until you anus is swollen. You will be a b**ch for real and will be passed around and yes, there are a lot of sexy dudes in prison but there are also a lot of not so sexy men there too…regardless of what you like, if you’re auctioned off to Brutha Bubba the 400 pound sweaty prison Sasquatch, you gotta deal with it or you gonna get your ass beaten up. First all over, then raped…(and in some bad places possibly murdered).
I’ve had to go to one of the the police departments and eat at the cafeteria where real prisoners cook your food and are monitored. Very talented men but the way they look at women are creepy af. Can you imagine being locked up with a man who stays inside most of the day.. he’s insane..
Women prisoners can be a fool too.
Though I’m fair in judgements of crime,When I hear someone has to go away for a long time, I’m low key sad.
Sorry, but if you do the crime, you don’t time, regardless of looks he should be held accountable. Especially of of “white collar”…ouch
I’m pretty “fair” so I don’t care how attractive someone is or what they “had” going for themselves. They knew they were doing wrong.
I’d argue that since Martha is a “helpless white woman” with a long running reputable brand, she’s given “liberties” though I don’t know the details of her ordeal fully. Does she still appear on TV?
It really depends though. I know they cancelled Paula Dean for good bit for that slipup she did.
He is just a football player that can be replaced with no sweat off anyone’s back. Consequences of a manmade system.
This country is anti-NFL due to the protests right now, so they will make an example out of him.
^he needs to get into the war room and asap.
^so he lost his entire career for what?
was this an example of greed?
I think he allowed his friends Ivy league degree and position at Goldman Sachs to cloud his judgement. I don’t think they are going to send him to club fed either. Black men are always given stiffer sentences compared to their white counterparts. Those inmates are going to line up to try and get up in Mychal’s cakes. Ya’ll remember that Fleece Johnson interview? #thebootywarrior.
Insider trading is when you are given information on which stocks will do well, or which ones will not. This information is not accessible to the public, so it’s illegal. It’s considered to be a white collar crime, but news outlets are reporting he may face 25 years in prison. The funny thing is Martha Stewart only served 5 months for the same crime.
^25 years?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
Praying for him.
I am too, I don’t think this man’s life should be ruined for this.
^i do too,
but unfortunately,
he did break the law.
i hope he doesn’t do jail tho.