what is happening to mr. butt cheeks aka jacob kohinoor?
i got so much emails about him allegedly transitioning.
well he isn’t transitioning into a “caitlyn jenner”,
but he is transitioning into something else.
he put up this youtube video to explain what he is trying to do now…
he is doing this just to get…
long hair?well okay.
jacob is like amber rose to me.
when they were silent,
they had a certain mystique.
now they talk and communicate with us,
they both do way too much.
there were times i would fantasize about him,
but now he is just “whatever”.
i’m all for jacob trying to find himself.
but he is transitioning into the stereotypical gay.
i guess that’s the market he is trying to crack,
but he was much more refreshing before he started getting mainstream.
in my opinion,
he is becoming extra.
why isn’t he rockin’ this new hair in his current pictures?
i’m lost at it all.
i hope he achieves whatever it is he is looking for.
lowkey: why do i feel a “leaked” sex tape is in his future?
follow jacob’s journey: youtube
All I keep thinking about with him being so extra and with this long hair is the Little Richard movie playing on VH1 starring Leon…

Sex tape??…yup I could see that, too. Probably with a B or C list rapper or an NBA bencher. Mm hmm
I liked him better when he didn’t talk so much
Is he transitioning?
so does this officialy mean he takes the d ?
I am shocked that you even had to ask that question and hope you were being sarcastic about him being a top.
You can’t be serious.. Any man that works out his glutes to the point where he can’t fit into regular sized pants definitely takes it up the back. Men who want folks to know about their big butts are the ones who are letting you know that it is “available”. Don’t be naive LOL
I find his antics utterly disgusting. He was in a position to do great things but he warped into a total caricature of the stereotypes many of us are fighting against. I stopped watching his videos long ago after he started saying “B!tch” in every sentence. But he’s harmless within his little gay universe, and that’s where I’ll leave him.
He should be trying to link up with some other prominent gays if he has not to try to further his career, but on another note I have never been attracted to him or men that wear makeup (just my preference). Also, Jamari I hope that things get better and that your week is great.
I couldn’t make it through the entire vid ugh … i dunno i probably would have rathered it be dreads or something like or can we just get the low cut ceasar with the deep waves back lol..
Like Ms. Shirleen said, I’m gonna call this up to the Lord! Lol
^i cant LMAO
It is the Lord’s day, and I rebuke e’rything about this article.
I actually like the look, its different. Automatically I though of it as a cross between Ashford and Simpson then Sho’nuff from the last dragon. I’m laughing right now but it suits him. He’s a bit control freak on My shady Rainbow but that makes him a moderator.
^LOL @ sho’nuff tho
Okay I don’t know if anyone else caught his web series on his YouTube channel “My Shady Rainbow” I don’t know if it was scripted or not, but Jacob didn’t make himself look like a nice person on that show. He was so over the top and acted like an asshole to everyone.
is this what fame does?
i wouldn’t let it do me like that.
“Fame” Jamari? lol…stop it, please
^lol i mean he is trying to be some kind of star.
he is chasing fame.
To be honest I only know about him because of his large buns. His interview skills are lacking and as you said he does come off extra. He should do a butt workout video or something in that area.
you can go on YouTube and watch a hair video.
he should be making an ass work out video.
that is his biggest gift.
I agree with you. I do like him, but he is a bit more dramatic than he used to be. I am not watching that long video either to find out why he has longer hair. Nope.
^jacob needs to figure this all out.