i enjoy keith carlos,
oh so much.
his social medias are a real treat.
well when he posted this…
Video Player
…i had to wonder:
How does he even model in underwear with that python?
i bet they love to watch him strip down on set.
i know i would.
lowkey: that is the type of pipe you admire from afar.
They made him tuck on ANTM, LMAO that’s how you know you too big.
He loves to show that monsta!
I guess we will see this and more in Chocolate City 2
Well damn!!! Although I am not a big fan of the peen, I want to see his for sure, not even gone lie about it lol. Him teasing us with it is even enticing.
Tumblr my friend they’re jack off video gifs of him with his tats showing ^_~
Mmmmmmmm! Too much booty and dick for those pants!!! I love his sexy ass!!
I love it when guys do this kind of stuff. This is such a turn on.

Maybe if his ass purchased a bigger pair of pants they would fit lol. my ex had a huge penis but you couldn’t tell because as Dean mentioned he would wear these compressor shorts under his sweats or his slacks and you literally couldn’t see anything but as soon as Vic dropped his pants it was like omg. Everytime we had sex Vic would have to damn plead with me kissing me and trying to get me to relax because i was scared but he was gentle during sex and passionate. The only time my boo was cocky was in the bedroom but i couldn’t handle that chocolate stallion that’s why we’re just friends now lmbo…. a dick that size is nice to look at but you have to be careful they can rearrange furniture with that type of work in their pants lol..However i’m over the whole eggplant thing especially when most of the brothas i see doing it are under-employed, unemployed that sit at home all day working out while their girlfriends/caretakers (in most cases females i know personally) are at work, school or both. Can i get a man with a sexy body, a little cockiness and a education/career to match… Baby Beckford aka Keith can get the business though sexy ass lol
I love me some Keith Carlos with his cocky ass
A penis used to be a private thing. Now many men model their penises like you might model a face or hands or like a woman showing off her breasts by a low-cut dress. For example, The Game who regularly posts pictures of his large penis dick print. I still believe that a gentleman “packs” he penis in his pants so that it doesn’t show. Here’s a question for my fellow readers and for Jamari: Is it ever appropriate for a man to wear clothing so as to show/show off his junk? Such as a dick print? When is it appropriate? When is it not appropriate?
They have become something like women with all the showing off. I am all for being proud of what you got but I remember a time if someone wanted to see your penis you they had do it privately. No photos no clothing that expose it to an extent just you them and your junk. Men seem to leave a little more to the imagination. I guess it is just the times we live in. Let the freak flag fly.
Honey, nothing is left to the imagination nowadays. In fact, these big dick men don’t offer much these days. The Game is whining about how women can be showing off their bodies and it’s fine but when he does it, it’s wrong. The double standard argument is old and played out. It’s sad and beyond belief.