Hello Mister Fine Ass Construction Working Wolf! (Wit The Biceps From Krypton)

i hope the foxhole doesn’t sleep on construction workers.
some of them be fine as hell.
the sexy ones usually show up in the summer time tho.
 those bawdies underneath those layers >>>
so i’m walking to work this morning,
minding my business,
and here he go.
ima call him “mister fine ass construction working wolf”

tall (6’1-6’3)
light skin/caramel complexion

he was that “just right kind of muscular” too.
not too big; not too small.
he looked like an instagram wolf in his part time.
he was wearing the tightest t-shirt,
his biceps were crazy,
and he had a tatt on the right arm.
the whole look was similiar to adrian conrad’s upper bawdy:

he also had the nerve to be bold legged too.


i wanted to snap a photo of him,
but he was incoming and i couldn’t grab my phone fast enough.

i low-key hate when i see wolves like this tho.
i have been seeing a lot of “head turners” lately.
it really emphasizes how lonely this life is.
sexy wolves aren’t in abundance as with the straights.
it isn’t easy for vixens either.
i don’t know if this is reaching for the stars,
but i’d like to know i have someone like that in my phone.

you busy?”


is that wrong?
i want consistent “fwb” from my version of “sexy af”.
we all have our own versions of what makes us horny on site.
mister fine ass construction working wolf was mine.

lowkey: he legit was the words “hump day” this morning…

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