he was interesting but his social media made you lose interest? (no sexy sh*t could save him)


Have you ever been into another male,
and even though he was sexy af,
he didn’t move the meter once you really started watching him?

i feel like social media is a gift and a curse.


it allows us to see what everyone is doing,
where they went,
and how they living.


it can also turn us off from someone we might be interested in.

i don’t know if this happens to other gays but i have always been funny.
when it comes to attentionistos,
i take the meat for what it is.
fantasy and work out purposes.

i’m lying.
purely unadulterated fantasy.
even with them,
it can be…

when it comes to wolves i’m into irl tho…

They can go from “DTF” to “CUL8TER” in a heartbeat.

either they have no personality,
show how ignorant they really are,
or they leaped off the fantasy track and crashed into the swamps.
my latest interest got uninteresting really quickly:

x read all about it here

i made me wonder if we should not look at folks we’re into all like that.
we might get a glimpse of them doing some sexy shit,
 but is it best to keep them as a mystery until you get to know them?

Is it better to turn you off now rather than later?

6 thoughts on “he was interesting but his social media made you lose interest? (no sexy sh*t could save him)

  1. Dudes tell me they watched my social media for up to 6 months before messaging me.

    So yes, you should be aware of how you act online. You can turn off your future husband.

  2. I feel like this about this content creator
    When he first started he was really humble and Down to earth and I liked that he promoted sexual health and condom use bc I see too many black men being disgusted by condoms and prep is only for hiv not stds

    But fast forward two years and because porn has given him money to travel and buy more designer clothes he now posts very shady captions about men with larger waists, guys he doesn’t deem attractive etc

    All the while I remember his teeth before veneers

    I’m like an elephant bc I never forget anything so I unfollowed and muted him. These people need to understand they’re performing low level tasks with no built in 401k. His last fuck is his last buck, literally

    And this community for some odd reason has become so lax and no one tells the truth about the toxicity in “sex worker twitter”

    They’re a very small percentage of population followers don’t make you rich or important and most of them would be on suicide watch if Elon and Jeff shut that bullshit down

    1. ^its so wild how pretentious some of these folks get.
      we are literally dependent on if these ceos still wanna be degenerates or not lol

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