they always change their tunes when they’re humbled, huh?

so aunt wendy is going full speed ahead with her divorce.
she has dropped “that ex husband of hers” and moving forward.
she had this to say on her show today:

but there was a part that kinda bugged me out

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aunt wendy has us all saying “THANK GOD”

 i said ‘thank God” when i saw my news notification earlier.
it was quickly followed by an “oh shit” as others came through.
it seems like aunt wendy is done with “that husband of hers”.
this is what i got from “page six”
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fuck the attentionistos; marry the russell wilson

quiet as kept,
i find males like russell wilson to be hot af.
one of my fantasies is to fall in love with someone like him.
you know those types.
the ones that people think wouldn’t be into you,
or you being into them,
but little do they know that it ain’t even like that.
everyone thought russell was the cornball who’d end up with a snow vixen.
i’m sure we thought ciara would end up with another thug.
where we all wrong.
i like a hot geek.
one who has a hot bawdy and will keep you tight

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zion wade comes out with pride

ya know,
i’ve never gone to a pride parade.
when i was finding my sexuality,
it made me uncomfortable.
it can be very “in your face” when your insecure.
i still wouldn’t go because it was never my “thing”.
i don’t do parades in the city period.
i think i did the carribean parade,
well zion wade,
dwyane wade‘s son,
went to his first pride parade with gabrielle union

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don lemon makes it look easy

so don lemon got engaged over the weekend.
he posted this on his ig for his engagement:

i mean,
that’s just fuckin’ “kick you in the crotch” fantastic.

as much as folks will carry on about it being “interracial”:

How many of us were checking for Don?

it leaves us to wonder:

When will it be our turn?

doesn’t it suck major donkey balls when…
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janet gets her roses (2019 rock and roll hall of fame)

on lighter and more positive news,
janet was inducted into the “2019 rock and roll hall of fame”.
i found her induction speech and well…

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