If I Send a Booty Emoji, What Would He Think?


i liked the emojis on my iphone,
but it seems like i may have asked for more.
probably while sleep or drunk.
apparently kim kardashian has joined the emoji business.
she aptly calls then,
the “kim kardashian reign” just won’t let up?
here are what a few of them look like…
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Nicki Minaj Sends Her Barbz To Eat This Vixen for Dinner

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you know…
stan bases are interesting.
they will go hard on social media for their favorite artist,
but will be missing in action come record sales.
ain’t that right __________?
well nicki minaj sent her “barbz” for a random vixen tonight.
this is what she put up on her twitter
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You Better Hadda Bought ROYALTY!!!


has anyone checked his twitter?
chris brown is going super hard to sell this album,
adele isn’t letting her foot off the necks of anyone right now.
he damn near using guilt trips on you to buy it.
this is what he allegedly posted on twitter before he hit that delete button
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So They “Straight”?


so a f-bi sent me this video today.
he said these are “straight wolves playing around”
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When Baller Wolves Drop The “F” Bomb On You


i always wondering what referees have to deal with on the court.
its no secret baller wolves be cursin’ them completely out.
what if one was openly gay?
and all the baller wolves knew?
i’m sure that would make it easy to get slick at the mouth.
well that’s what happened to bill kennedy,
a gay referee in the nba.
he got the “f” bomb dropped on him by a baller wolf and well…
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Shad Moss Should Pay His Tithes Tomorrow


what is a way to hurt a wolf?
drop the “gay” bomb on his ass.
no seriously.
if you are an angry vixen,
the best way to destroy his reputation is to insinuate that he is gay.
then again,
you’re also destroying your own in the process.
no one likes the messy “hag”.
well that is what erica mena did to her ex-fiance,
shad moss.
bow wow for those who are slow.
these are the tweets compliments of mto
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