ladies should be anal about munching on mud pies served by straight males


they should be about eating booty.
you know some straight wolves love serving dirt with their cake.
according to ( x mto ),
they still seem to be doing it in 2023.

the thought alone gives me night terrors.
this is what some of ya’ll get following these ratchet hoes.
 sukihana even got the pause:

come to daddy jamari and please read carefully

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you know black folks are about to leave twitter once we see “monthly charge”

when i signed on twitter before 2020,
i would be hit with (breaking) news and other updates,
especially with new yawk.

Do you know how many times I’d go on Twitter to find out if the MTA was having issues when I was late for work?

it was one of my favorite social media platforms to scroll aimlessly on.
you go on twitter now and it’s a cesspool of filth.
if it’s not blatant hatred being allowed,
it’s everyone living out their wildest narc dreams.
elon has another brilliant idea from within his genius…

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grayling purnell seems like the absolute perfect boyfriend!

so we have gone from watching couples have sex to domestic violence?
are we that bored on musk’s twitter?
grayling purnell has been some of your latest obsessions.
he uploaded a video with him fighting his latest boy toy

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it’s about time lizzo releases a statement (?)

lizzo has been quiet ever since her scandal dropped.
staying quiet as you discuss strategy in the war room is wise.
as the oven gets hotter,
she decided to drop her statement today via ig.

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when he dl and didn’t realize he was being recorded so he body slams you in “i ain’t gay”

this video is weird and is looking like cap to me.
i could be wrong tho.
so a foxholer sent me a video of an alleged dl jackal getting caught up.
it’s giving “la complex” when i first peeped it:

in the following video,
the jackal was all huggy until he saw he was being recorded.
this happened…

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12,500 feet under the sea and ya’ll choose to do this with 250k?

back in barbados,
we have a submarine that takes you out for a spin around the ocean.
it doesn’t go very far and as a kid,
i thought it was the coolest thing ever.
as an adult,
my anxiety refuses to step foot in that thing ever again.
as someone who was obsessed with the titanic,
i’m hear to font ya’ll about that missing submarine,

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