Dating Interracial While Under The Influence of Black Power


a topic right now that can go either way is “dating while black”.
it could either end well after inspiring debate or absolute chaos with hurt feelings.
i find it interesting and i’m here for both.
so the topic of “dating while colored” is a funny one.
the pretty vixen and i had a brief conversation about it last night.
i had a random thought that came to me that started the conversation:

Can you be so “black power”,
but you only choose to date/marry/knock up other races?

now you know i lust the big mountain wolf,
bk brandon,
but i’ve noticed something about him throughout the years…
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Overexposure Will Make You Put Your Phone Down


have you ever just wanted to disappear?
for a good week,
just not be available to any and everyone?
your phone goes on silent,
emails on “vacation mode”,
and you just do you for a good week?
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Jealously May Have Killed Ahmad Love Yesterday

image1everyone say goodbye to kenneth “ahmad” love.
one of my foxholers,
who went to college with him,
sent me this story.
this is a gist of what was said in the foxmail:

“Good looking, popular “straight” guy comes out after college. Makes a post Friday about how he’s excited to go visit a friend in OK this weekend.

Apparently dudes boyfriend he’s visiting in OK got jealous, rushes to apartment. Grabs a golf club to his dude with, but dude is so solid it breaks in half and dudes boyfriend ends up impaling him. Died right there.”

it caused me to gasp out loud at work.
now this is what the news report for thv11..
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Prep To Fail?: The Rise of The STDS Dominates The Charts

prep_650x365i’ve been curious about this “prep” situation.
so it’s a pill you take,
before engaging in sex,
that will stop you from catching hiv?
i guess this pill is one of the reasons everyone is going ham.
everyone is banging each other raw because of this pill now.
hell it’s the opening statement for most:

“I’m on prep and I’m safe.
Can I fuck you insanely stupid raw?

well allegedly,
it didn’t work for one male because he ended up catching hiv.
a vix-bi sent me the story via buzzfeed
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Sade’s Son Welcomes A Mustache Into The World

sade4-600x450so that is sade’s daughter on the right.
sade is now welcoming a son into the world.
well sade’s daughter on the right is now her son.
mickailia “ila” adu has transitioned into a wolf.
this is him with a mustache
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You Trying To Catch The D/L Like Pokemon


so i’ve been thinking about this whole “markeith rivers” on-going scandal.
he is the jackal that is on this johnny quest mission of outing d/l wolves.
i don’t think it’s a mental issue because he fucks them and then outs them.
that reads moreso malicious and “i know what i’m doing”.
we don’t need to baby him.
it’s the same mentality a ton of gays have out here.
they don’t like the d/l so they have to destroy them.
my thing is…


honestly speaking…
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