blueface is oddly interested in his son not being gay

one of the foxholers said they think blueface uses sex energy on his victims.
i can’t unthink it but i don’t doubt it either.
so remember ( x this entry about blueface ) i fonted about?
it was him asking his young son about being gay.
blueface asked his son again if he was gay but there is a twist

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he killed you and got off easy because of “gay panic”

Did you know that if you are gay/trans and are killed by a straight male,
he may get off from seeing any jail time because of something called the “gay panic defense”?

bet some of you didn’t know this as i didn’t.
i learned about it while watching the last episode of “last call: when a serial killer stalked queer new york” on max.
during the hyena’s first murder in college,
where he killed a gay male and dumped him in the ocean,
they used that defense that allowed him his freedom.
if they would have hauled his ass to prison in 1973,
he wouldn’t have gone on years later to brutally murder other gays.
big yikes,
let’s look deeper at the law via wiki…

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it was all a lie! guys, carlee russell was lying this whole time!

how to tell the forests your ex had good dick without saying it out loud.
this will forever describe carlee russell for the rest of her life.
the hoover pd had a surprise press conference and…

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when you find out the homophobic one had a dl male in the crew this whole time

lady gaga was running around here saying in every interview:

‘There can be 100 people in a room and 99 of them don’t believe in you but all it takes is one and it just changes your whole life…”

jamari fox is going around here saying:

“There can be 100 straight males in a crew and 99 of them are straight but one of them mofos is gay and wants you to change his whole life….”

that has been my experience.
there is usually one d
l mofo in that crew of straights.
as you know,
boosie is anti-gay and has expressed that many times.
allegedly tho,
one of his closest who goes by “smoke” might be everything he hates?

his long-time vixen decided to spill a little something for us…

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it’s good carlee russell lost her wig because it woulda been snatched clean off today

you know i’m not even going to laugh but i’m going to be concerned.

The fact that many people believed this Carlee Russell story,
while gaslighting everyone who didn’t believe it,
shows me where folk’s critical thinking skills are.

folks were dead calling folks racists,
and #notprotectingblackwomen because we saw through the bullshit.
what got me hot is the whole country was looking for this fool.
black and white people were trying to find her.

sadly tho,
the press conference with the hoover pd confirmed many of our suspicions today…

Continue reading “it’s good carlee russell lost her wig because it woulda been snatched clean off today”

eric dodds and johntae collier wear the absence of memory well

as we are all enjoying our freedom of summer 23,
or just appreciating being able to be outside in general,
two attentionistos are preparing for their long journeys ahead as jailbirds.
the days of kissy faces and twitter updates are gone.

It’s now getting comfy and cozy within the confines of prison

 new photos of eric dodds and johntae collier,
formerly of eandjgang,
has popped up.
this is their new normal

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