…is randy bowden jr in your “cup”?
look at those pecs.
so randy bowden jr uploaded a picture in ig and it got taken down.
and this is alleged,
but he wouldn’t answer his dms and they flagged it.
an f-bi sent me the shot tho and well…
randy’s bawdy>>>>>
look at the sculpt:
Video Player
*loses the little bit of my mind*
unlike other attentionistos,
randy has an actual modelling gig.
i’ll allow the peen print.
he has a reason to be so cock-y.
lowkey: randy is a little short for my taste.
i also hear he is allegedly mean and rude.
handsome wolf tho.
pictures and videos credited: instagram
His profile on the modeling agency page lists his height as 6′ 1. That’s not short (at least to me) lol.
I keep seeing height.. How short is he y’all? LOL I can’t tell from the pics/video
He posted this articl on instagram..or instasnap actually
Body yes but I don’t
If for the facial.
If the attitude part is true, perhaps it could be part of some sort of complex he may have. Height maybe? LOL
This is one of model baes too. He is just so damn fine.
Nice but if the attitude part is true he needs to fix it there’s always another one
do you really want to be remembered for a bad attitude?
that is never attractive and gets you nowhere.