Are we ready for a gay porn star who is a pastor on the side?
ali savage,
who does ( x gay porn ),
is an alleged pastor as well.
he allegedly preaches every sunday,
but his main profession is doing porn.
it’s the other way around?
he claims that we aren’t our professions when it comes to how we serve the Lord.
i don’t have an issue with it.
i’m more spiritual these days so i might be biased.
at least he is being honest about who he is.
many straight pastors reel you in with this “daddy” complex,
but are doing God’s know what behind the scenes.
how many triflin’ pastors has the foxhole written about?
many church folks won’t be able to comprehend what ali is saying tho.
they’ve already called the prayer warriors as we font.
it made me wonder about something tho…
Are we comfortable in raising up these pastors if we don’t know what they’re doing outside of Sunday service?
often times,
i feel like religious folks are comfortable turning the other cheek to bad behavior.
the word and ideas from these pastors have become an addiction for many.
some pastors know exactly what to say to keep their flock coming back.
if they find out their pastor is indeed wicked,
stealin’ and scammin’ all their shit,
we all know how the story goes…
“Don’t judge!
We all make mistakes,
but I’m gonna pray for him so God can show him the way…”
…yet they can’t and won’t accept ali savage or his message at all.
see more from ali savage: instagram
The only issue with his dialogue is that as a leader he is fornicating “openly and willingly” for cash as the result. Being a Doctor or Lawyer is totally different unless they are partakes of sin in the carrying out of their duties. Ain’t no way in hell could I have a pastor who is a porn star..he’s learning to hustle and put God in the mix. Now this is truly reprobate.
Agree with you 100% Malcolm
Here’s my thing though why play with Religion? Many people live and abide by their faith. Not every Pastor is fraudin or having sexual affairs. We’ve taken the actions of a few and passed this dysfunctional behavior off as the norm so now folks do crazy things and the mention other Men of the cloth when you question them. How can you be a minister when that doctrine speaks out against your entire life. You can’t turn your Faith and your walk with GOD on and off depending on if you’re going to work or not lmfao. These niggas be doing the most. He needs to go do PORN and call it a day
amen to that
Delusional… …and he really believes what he’s saying.
I think it’s wonderful! Every great person in the Bible that God used was just as a much a human being as Ali is today. Nobody can judge him but God.
Is that a microphone in the second pic?
it’s him preaching
These daysnothing surprises me much, but it’s his life at the end of the day, at ;east he’s transparent, the cishets need to accept him just the same way they accept their straight pastor’s shortcomings. I don’t wanna hear a peep outta them