a small slice but a big risk: HIV in south carolina

South Carolina seems like a beautiful state.

during a road trip,
i made a quick stop when getting off i-95 in the early 00s.

when i stopped to get food at mcdonalds,
i was met with a vixen with thick southern accent and a multi-colored wig.
i had never seen that in my up north forests in that time.
for the south carolinian Foxholers tho…

What the hell is happening in South Carolina?

…and can someone explain why so many are living with hiv or aids down there?
the IG,
had this to update

in 2022,
south carolina had around a population of 5 million.
( x see here )
15k is only 0.3% of that,
but here’s what that looks like on a Foxhole pie chart:

even though it’s a small slice,
you’ve still got to move like it’s a bigger piece of the pie.
you don’t know who in that small slice will be the one to serve you.
stay woke and protect yourself.

2 thoughts on “a small slice but a big risk: HIV in south carolina

  1. So I think the problem here is multifaceted, we don’t emphasize safe sex and prevention like we used to in the past. When I was growing up we had the D.A.R.E program as well as sex education, we were bombarded with the realities of what H.I.V and A.I.D.S were and the fact that at the time it was a virtual death sentence.

    Now the medications have gotten a lot better and STDs and STIs have been pushed to the background. I think it’s also telling that many of these cases are happening in the South. I think that maybe speaking to repressive policies when it comes to sex and the stigmas that may still exist.

    1. ^ 110%

      i think raw sex has bombarded us into thinking everyone is safe.
      we need to change that ASAP.
      not to mention,
      prep has made many a little too adventurous.

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