i got too many f*ckin’ lemons rn and not enough stand

I want to take a moment to thank every single one of you who supports me,
whether in words,
or by simply being patient with me while i’ve been working through my issues.
Your understanding means the world to me.
Some days are harder than others and I’m grateful for the space to grow,
and get back up again.
Thank you for sticking by me.

Now about those fuckin’ lemons.

we all know the saying:
when life hands you lemons, make lemonade“,

What do you do when life dumps too many lemons on you and God seems MIA with the sugar,
and the pitcher to put it in?

i’m talking about those eras in our lives when the lemons just keep coming:

Job struggles
Personal setbacks
Relationship drama

Family bullshit
Emotional baggage

…and you’re drowning in fuckin’ lemons.
the usual advice doesn’t work when you’re exhausted,
squeezing the fruit of life for something sweet,
and all you get is bitterness.
it’s like the lemonade stand is on back order,

and stuck in God’s warehouse somehwere.
you’re waiting for some divine help but it feels like you’re on hold.

so wtf do you do?
keep trying to make lemonade?
or accept that sometimes you’re just going to get a whole lot of sour without the sweet?

that’s been the real challenge for me.
if it’s not one thing; its the next.
if i fix one thing; the next gets broken in a major way.
i’m tired.
life has been about making lemonade with no stand or the itens to put it in,
while trying to figure out where God is with my order.
so i had to wonder:

Are life’s struggles really about making peace with the sour and learning how to survive without the ingredients to make lemonade in the first place?

If you wouldn't say it on live TV with all your family and friends watching, without getting canceled or locked up, don't say it on here. Stay on topic, no SPAM, and keep it respectful. Thanks!