al sharpton is 62 years old.
al sharpton also use to be big boned.
well al has lost a lot of weight over the years,
but this picture he posted today on his instagram…
al out here looking like benjiman button.
i’m all for everyone achieving their desirable weight,
Isn’t ^that a little much?
i find that those who were big don’t always look good smaller.
their facial features don’t always work when they lose the weight.
sometimes it’s best to keep some of the fat.
lowkey: al might suffer from body dysmoprhia like the attentionistos.
you know they stay in the gym because even though they look like snacks,
their eyes are still showing them as a stuffed turkey.
If Reverend Al is happy then I’m happy
Sharpton has said many times that his 50’s felt better than his 20’s and that he is already the oldest man in recent memory in his family. His lifestyle change has clearly added at least 20 more healthy years to his life. When he looks in the mirror, he sees someone who will will preach other people’s funerals long before anybody is preaching his. Anyway, he is straight. And women are FAR less addicted to bodily perfection than men. So, not being attractive to men isnt worth dying for.
ummm…’s like a bit much tbh.
Jamari…u hurt my soul with this…
I understand trying to reach your dream body, I’m trying to gain weight and workout in the gym now. The pic looks odd maybe if I saw him in a suit or something I would think differently.
nope that suit does no justice at all!! He looks just like my mother but with a mustache. He has an ectomorph body type and should consume calories of 35000. Thats the type of body a person has after cardio. I use to have that body type after losing weight and thought it was the end all to being in shape. It wasn’t and ppl told me I had a big head with a skinny body. Little did I know I had an endomorph body type and I had to eat simple carb in the morning and complex carbs in the evening. Now I have the ideal body, I feel different and I get allot of guys hitting on me at work and in the grocery.
Rev. Al only eats one salad a day and drinks some green juice concoction twice daily and that is it, he does not eat any meats, starches, or sweets and he has stuck to this for at least 5 or more years now. He must be incredibly discipline and clearly he has not cheated. He looks sickly thin, but I am sure he is probably in pretty good health compared to most men his age. This diet will not sustain any type of muscle growth, and I am sure he could use a little more protein. This picture has been getting dragged on social media but hey this is the world we live in now. Even though his particular eating plan is extreme, I am glad he decided to take his health into his hands and lose the weight, more people in our community should follow his lead.
Yeah…he went a little too far on he weight loss. I’m glad he took the weight off but he should’ve kept a little meat on those bones!
No muscle tone at all. Looks sick.