so porn star,
flash brown,
use to be cool when he first started.
he hit me up in emails and was grateful for my past posts on him.
as i don’t know if it was really him.
after that,
it was silence.
i started hearing rumbles he was allegedly very homophobic.
his job wasn’t to talk or give opinions.
well a foxholer sent me a disturbing article about flash today.
he is currently in jail,
but the alleged charges tho via “mike south”…
I’m not sure if you heard but Flash Brown has been arrested on charges of battery, pimping and pandering, and human trafficking.
After a little digging we found he is still in LA county jail and is currently being held with a bail amount which was set at $205,000 which has now been raised to $245,000 due to additional charges being filed since his original arrest. The court is also is requested a ‘pre-plea report’ before sentencing. Which basically means they are going to look into how violent they were in the past.
He was served a protective order by his current wife, during his arraignment hearing, in open court.
Although I’m told 2 or 3 new charges have been added, the initial charges were 275.5(a) inflicting corporal injury to a spouse, 245 (a) (1) assault with a deadly weapon or instrument other than a firearm and 417 (a) (1) drawing a deadly weapon (other than a firearm) in a rude, angry or threatening manner.
His incredibly beautiful wife is a mainstream model, originally from Denmark was held against her will, physically beaten with his fists and then also later with a weapon. Although we are told she is now in a safe place and has since recovered from her physical injuries, she still has nightmares.
According to some of the court files it looks like he was also charged or currently being investigated for charges of “pimping and pandering“, specifically in regards to his wife. You can be guilty of pimping just for knowingly living off the proceeds of someone else’s work as a prostitute however it looks like in this case he got busted trying to pimp out his wife against her will and because she’s originally from another country that may play into why they are looking at him on human trafficking charges as well.
i use to see him in “blacked” flicks,
but i started seeing more rob piper and jason luv.
i wasn’t complaining,
but still.sidebar: i love “blacked”.
nothing turns me on like a snow vixen getting demolished for our reparations.
if the alleged is true,
that is fuckin’ crazy.
i hear a lot of porn stars are really violent folks tho.
they have a lot of alleged domestic abuse within their stars.
i mean,
are we shocked?
it’s the porn industry.
it’s not actually “christian tv network”,
even though their stars are just as worst.
allegedly fonting.
flash has provided me a couple of good nuts within his career.
too bad he chose this route in his personal life.
im sure there is a hungry bbc porn star wolf cummin’ for his spot.
lowkey: there are so many new amatuer porn star wolves out here now.
fuckin’ on pornhub is the new career for these folks.
i ain’t mad.
i’m only mad if your stroke is wack af.
article cc: mike south
Not Alledge, it’s a fact. He ain’t nothing but a cock sucking back shot receiving low life thief. He took my money to do an appearance, he never showed and refuse to return my money. I have pics and vids of him enjoying being a bottom.
There was a video of Flashbrown sleeping a trans sexual porn star Jesse Dubai . He tried to cover up his trademark tattoo but nope that didnt fool me at all
FB or Gee as I knew him started out the perfect gentleman as far as porn stars go… over time he started “borrowing” (stealing) my car for days at a time which I desperately needed as a full time college student, one by one he isolated me from each of my friends and drove a wedge between me & my family members, introduced me to serious drug-use (fortunately Is no longer an issue), he would “borrow” money that I didn’t have to be lending, he’d use me a a co-signer on credit applications without my knowledge. – was still receiving collections calls up until a couple years ago. He always claimed his ex-wife was a psycho who made up the DV charges, but 2 weeks after my dad died, this man punched me multiple times in the face because I called him “stupid” in an argument. Did I provoke him? Perhaps, but he is a 6’6” 220 lb athletic man and my face sure looked like it afterwards. Excuse that one as my fault if you choose, but on multiple occasions he would hit or slap me while I was lying in bed SLEEPING because he had gone out, gotten drunk & made up something to be upset about while I was at home being a faithful idiot. On my first Father’s Day after my dad passed, I slept on the couch in my own place because he had slapped me in my sleep, yelled “Fuck your dad mayne” and I didn’t feel safe being in the same room as him. He would yell at me for things as small as changing my twitter profile picture or getting my nails done in a way he didn’t like, he would lock me outside in the middle of the night when we would have arguments, he’d pick a fight and ignore me for a day conveniently when a side bitch would come m into town, but emotionally terrorize me for any interactions with males including childhood friends/family members to the point where I would be begging for HIS forgiveness (so fucking backwards). At one awards show he accused me of cheating after I went to use the ladies room without obtaining his permission. I have pictures/emails/BBM convos (lol yes it was that long ago) etc to verify my claims, but am not willing to post publicly as I would like to maintain my anonymity. I have had 2 other women reach out to me since the fact confirming that he had also gotten violent with them – having broken one of their noses & the other ones jaw. Youth is wasted on the young because none of this shit would fly with me today.
Hey Jamari!
This is Alexis Couture, Gariel’s ex wife. We spoke in 2010 when I had a domestic violence case against him and at the time actually tried to defend him. His current wife and I would like you to contact us for more details about this situation.
And if the female who wrote that post would like to contact me to, that would be great!!! I believe every word she states having lived the nightmare myself and his current wife and many others including gay men. Yes!! That means exactly what it implys. Flash Brown goes both ways!! The truth is coming out!!
Hey, what is your contact information? Interested in hearing more about what is going on.
Hi! I would love to speak to you. Email me at
Wait, Flash Brown owns
FB or Gee as I knew him started out the perfect gentleman as far as porn stars go… over time he started “borrowing” (stealing) my car for days at a time which I desperately needed as a full time college student, one by one he isolated me from each of my friends and drove a wedge between me & my family members, introduced me to serious drug-use (fortunately Is no longer an issue), he would “borrow” money that I didn’t have to be lending, he’d use me a a co-signer on credit applications without my knowledge. – was still receiving collections calls up until a couple years ago. He always claimed his ex-wife was a psycho who made up the DV charges, but 2 weeks after my dad died, this man punched me multiple times in the face because I called him “stupid” in an argument. Did I provoke him? Perhaps, but he is a 6’6” 220 lb athletic man and my face sure looked like it afterwards. Excuse that one as my fault if you choose, but on multiple occasions he would hit or slap me while I was lying in bed SLEEPING because he had gone out, gotten drunk & made up something to be upset about while I was at home being a faithful idiot. On my first Father’s Day after my dad passed, I slept on the couch in my own home because he had slapped me in my sleep, yelled “Fuck your dad mayne,” fallen asleep in my bed, and I didn’t feel safe being in the same room as him. He would yell at me for things as small as changing my twitter profile picture or getting my nails done in a way he didn’t like, he would lock me outside in the middle of the night when we would have arguments, he’d pick a fight and ignore me for a day conveniently when a side bitch would come m into town, but emotionally terrorize me for any interactions with males including childhood friends/family members to the point where I would be begging for HIS forgiveness (so fucking backwards). At one awards show he accused me of cheating after I went to use the ladies room without obtaining his “permission.” I have pictures/emails/BBM convos (lol yes it was that long ago) etc to verify my claims, but am not willing to post publicly as I would like to maintain my anonymity. I have had 2 other women reach out to me since the fact confirming that he had also gotten violent with them – having broken one of their noses & the other ones jaw. Youth is wasted on the young because none of this shit would fly with me today.
Apparently, one of the disastrous duo aka Knockout and Fame might be one their way to jail too…
What’s the tea on Knockout and Fame?
ALLEGEDLY, someone got stabbed…
I’m gay, but I like str8 porn. Flash may be trash, but his website Blacked is everything. I hope his legal dealings won’t affect such a popular website. I would hope that he isn’t a homophobe being that he started his porn career doing solo scenes on gay websites.
Never heard of him. Post some of his “creative works” to jog my memory.
All that GOOD DICK gone to waste

Your obsession with these type of morally suspect men is unhealthy. This dude isnt even
Hot or attractive. Focus on better people.
Tru that, Javier. Jamari, I have nothing but love for you baby, but you really have to stop focusing on fools that wouldn’t piss on the LGBTQ+ community if it was on fire.
There are way too many decent folk to showcase.
That comment about white pussy being our reprations is outrageous. is “reparations”? Yikes….