cleiton lobo.
clei for short.
^that 25-year-old and 6’2 cape verdean wolf has been on my radar.
he is from my old forest which was infiltrated with cape verdeans.
don’t say they look spanish because they’ll flip on you.
i learned my lesson by saying that one time.
they’re africans.
i mean,
why wouldn’t anyone want to ride him into the sunset…
he is sexy af and unlike the others,
he has charisma and looks like he has good stamina.
i remember when he would do the same dance moves at his job.
he was/is a dental assistant but he is currently pursuing acting.
he has a side hustle doing massage therapy it seems:
he has since moved out west with fredo of all people.
two red wolves,
living in cali,
and trying to pursue careers in entertainment?
hide your hoes and sugar daddies foxhole…
They’re about to come.
lowkey: he seems gay-friendly,
which is good.
i hope some of ya’ll don’t ruin that.
I can see a whole debate here about someone else skin complection.
He’s black, he’s mixed and has some white ancestry – (like Beyonce, or Jay Z)
But he’s black I don’t understand why all this drama around it.
He’s black, but he’s not african american (or black american).
The kicker is, the one stirring up the racial drama isn’t even Black.
But people with no lives like using digital Blackface to push their own warped agenda.
All African Americans are Black but not all Black people in America (the US), the Americas (North and South, Latin America) or the globe are African American. Some Cape Verdeans who have lived in the US for generations do consider themselves African American, but all are Black and descended from African immigrants.
Yes, there is a difference between multiracial people and being Black.
However, I am not going to argue with someone about what label they use, if they’d fear for their life when getting pulled over by the cops.
Jennifer Lopez or Prince Royce for example could never claim “Black”.
Singers Iza and Amara La Negra could.
If someone’s phenotype is Black, I’m not going to ask for their DNA breakdown. It’s when they look like Tom Holland and claim “Black” that I have a problem. Looking like a Jonas Brother and using the n-word is the issue.
Listen, you’re more than welcome to die on that hill if you want to.
However, you might want to really think deeply about how unstrategic it is to constantly claim obviously mixed people is black.
Not only are you ignorant/uncultured, but you’re a weirdo as well? Yikes. Say less, girl.
I guarantee I have more culture in my big toe than you’ll ever have in your entire life.
You exude bitterness and anger. Say nothing lol.
“claim obviously mixed people ARE Black”.
1) it’s “are” not “is”
2) black is to denote something nonhuman such as “a black cat” or “a black car”. When referring to people, capitalizing the B indicates it’s humans and not an inanimate object, place or animal
3) You need to find 2 hills in a man’s pants to let your anger die on because this is way too bitter to start off the new year
Thanks, my dear. I needed a brain dead gay guy to “read” to really kick off 2023 right.
Calling me braindead when I intellectually stimulate you but you have no manners and have no game so you’ve been trolling me since the beginning of the pandemic and wait until I post to say something slick because once again you’ll be single this Valentines, not by choice, but having run through all of your Grindr/Jack’d options.
I get why you troll me. One snarky reply from me > every regurgitated soulless conversation you had all last year.
Now go put effort into meeting someone at the grocery store instead of throwing insults at me because I intimidate you. Grow the f up.
Ooooh someone has been practicing their reads.
I’ll let you roll with assuming that I’m single or out of options. Hope that somehow makes you feel better, love.
Very glad you moved on from spewing your antivaxxer garbage!
Dark Phoenix: Right you are, sir!
Using another name to agree with yourself. Whew chillay.
@DarkPhoenix, you should do a DNA test, and you’ll learn that most Black Americans are “mixed.” We are nevertheless Black, like Black people across the Americas, Europe, etc. Cape Verde, however, is IN Africa and Cape Verdeans consider themselves Black, here and there. They have been in the US since the early 19th century too, when some worked on whaling ships.
@TheLoveTho, I’m aware that most African Americans are admixed to the tune of 15% to 25% European on average. So yes, technically that makes them mixed. However, that percentage of European DNA usually isn’t enough to significantly skew someone’s phenotype away from being perceived as black. So it’s simple enough for them to identify as black and black only.
I wouldn’t compare the average admixed African American to the average heavily mixed Cape Verdean, Brazilian, or even Dominican. Frankly, it’s problematic to insist that Cape Verdeans, who are a mix of African and Portuguese, are simply black with no qualifiers. It’s also rather pathetic when you consider the fact that many Cape Verdeans themselves are very anti black.
I totally reject the one drop rule and reserve the right to gate keep blackness as an unambiguously black person. I think that black people who try to insist that heavily mixed people identify as black and black only are utterly pathetic.
You’re not unambiguously Black.
You’re Biracial yourself.
Stirring up racial drama is kind of your thing.
Same goes for lying.
Changing usernames doesn’t change a zebra’s stripes.
They remind me of Guyanese men. Racially ambiguous and you can’t place them but will get mad at being called anything other than Black.
I believe Blu Cantrell was Cape Verdean. Gosh do I miss her. She and Faith Evans need to do a song together because they are vocal twins!
^ the good news is they like to be addressed as black rather than trying to pretend they are anything but.
Is it good news when they’re clearly mixed? I feel like it’s disingenuous.
Nonetheless, very attractive guy. Though I think I prefer my coffee with less cream.
It’s disingenuous when you try to deny others who identify as BLACK and are BLACK of their BLACKNESS.
Thank you. Cape Verde is in Africa, off the coast of Senegal. In their country and in the US they consider themselves Black and are Black.
He models for Carter underwear brand which run campaign featuring black, Latin or mixed models