Your New Baboon Butt Cheekz Are To Die For!

hY4JJSmV6zrt3kEvhmQXlveGKBOVF66OqOeapbzcRdpiEaqOpnLjWPembM2q7ujQC6OPzbVsXRi45dQyHkRbfSwywB_ZORVirsmVIJDKmNQ-ODNKGZ46tHVR8Kw=s0-d-e1-fteveryone wants to get the new baboon butt cheekz.
red stain not included.
all the cool kids are getting one.
its just a matter of time you will too.
*rubs back of head from that slap*
well remember this ( x wolf meat 421 ) from the other day?
one of my foxhole favs,
sent me the video to back up claims he got baboon butt cheekzl.
ย what do you think?…













this all new gives new meaning to:

“Ass so fat that you could see it from the front”mos def, ms fat booty

either way my vote will always be:

tumblr_lr8ew5SJ271r1nltlo1_400lowkey: i know some wolves who hit chicks with baboon butt cheekz.
they say its hard and it don’t move.
unlike this:

tumblr_n54r6dnvNh1ruz6zso1_400so whats the appeal of the baboon butt cheekz again?

13 thoughts on “Your New Baboon Butt Cheekz Are To Die For!

  1. that gif just turned me the fuck on…and i’m not even a top but DAYUM!!!!! and honestly the big bubble asses are nice to look at but they’re stiff…my boo said that’s his favorite thing about hitting it from the back seeing my ass jiggle when he gives me backshots, hell the skin to skin sound of it clapping on his pelvis turns me on not to mention from a medical perspective that surgery is dangerous and if something can wrong it can lead to paralysis

  2. smh this is also the reason i find Hotrod to be sooooooo unattractive now. The ass implants/shots/whatever where not necessary.

  3. I’m all for wanting things out of your reach but damn that looks creepy. How does he or the wolfs he gets down with find that sexy?

  4. Lmao I can’t believe you actually use the foto tho. But that why I had to unfollow because the more you look at his ass the more creepier it gets. In truth something told me to download that video for a rainy day like this.

      1. Aww thank you <3 Now I feel special and one of the cool kids now. Plus now that means I can share with you with some of the Dominican wolves that I know of

      1. That is sad and it going to be more sadder when he get older. Whatever happen to being well-proportionate? And I don’t think he really workouts at all. I think he’s one those type that parade out the gym looking for a good D by showing off his fake ass.

  5. Damn, that shit is going to sag years from now. Before the video played, I was like it doesn’t look that bad, but when he moved his arm my jaw dropped. Looks like a tumor.

    I guess they do it for us Wolves, but not all of us like that shit. I definitely don’t. That pic the other day fooled the hell out of me.

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