the fox and the country

i know you’ve probably been wondering where i was.
i have a good excuse too.

I was in the country!

if you follow me on my socials,
which you should cause i update my going on’s quite often,
i was putting my current location in my stories.
^that picture was one of them.
i was smacked dad in the backwoods country.
“ain’t another house for another 10 miles” country.
“fuck around and get sprayed by a skunk” country…

“You might find an actual 4-legged wolf in these woods” country.

…and as much as i would have complained about it in the past,
i actually needed this getaway.
i needed the fresh air and my morning walks amongst the nothingness.
my bougie “city fox” attitude took a backseat.
even if the trailer i was staying in had more people than bathrooms,
there was southern hospitality that hit differently.
everywhere i went,
people were really polite and friendly.
it made me find my manners and return the favor.

the wolves in the area were nothing to look at.
everyone was either wearing clothes that were too baggy or too dingy.
a majority looked like they were in a n early 20o0s cash money video.
there was one wolf who came to the house to get a plate tho.

Brown fur
Deep ass southern voice
That right kind of muscular thickness
I’m sure that wood wasssssssss on-point

i ain’t jack off since i left new yawk so you know i am horny af.
no cap,
i would have let him fuck me if he even gave me a sense of interest.


seriously tho,
i really enjoyed being away from new yawk and…

I tried to update but the wifi was well,

i’m in another southern city,
with 5g wi-fi,
but i’m back.
i know i missed a lot but we will do some catching up today.


9 thoughts on “the fox and the country

  1. Damn Jamari! You took me back to visiting my folks in Alabama in the summer as a kid. The pics remind me of long dirt roads like that…and neighbors spread out for miles (although my folks had four houses on the same road, so there were plenty of kids to play with).

  2. Jamari, I’m either getting out of this country, going to one of the territories or moving down south. It’s too expensive up here! By 50, I want to be somewhere affordable like I see on TikTok! The only thing is so much racism down south and everything is so far from each other! Don’t want any small town murderers or aliens(I saw Nope) getting me hahaha

    And yes, country guys eat their cornbread and are THICK everywhere it counts!

    1. ^ yeah,
      i was thinking of an exit plan by that time of life too.
      we shall see.

      he was def the stereotype southern wolf i see or hear about.
      that voice tho…

  3. Not ‘brown fur’ lol. Push thru Mayberry! Good for you for allowing stepping away from your normalcy to benefit you.

  4. Glad to hear that you’re getting some time to just enjoy existence. Hope this trip does wonders for your peace and mental health.

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