taking a moment to apologize to everyone

I’m really frustrated today.

first off,
i want to thank everyone who has subbed and supported me.

it means a lot and its highly appreciated.
i see Foxholers from when i first started still rocking with me.
that is a blessing.
this entry is to apologize

I finally started a sub tier on the Foxhole and many people are having issues.

some readers,
everything is fine.
they have gone back to past entries and everything is working fine on their end.
they are having issues with the access code or can’t see anything.

So it’s this frustrating situation of not knowing how it’s effecting one person compared to others.
It’s like I don’t know what to fix or even how it needs to be fixed.

i want to apologize to those who are having issues with their subs.
issues are not what i intended when i started this.
i’m trying to get this all fixed so you can have a top tier experience on The Foxhole.
thank you for your patience and understanding.

lowkey: the devil is working hard in trying to destroy my peace.

3 thoughts on “taking a moment to apologize to everyone

  1. Hey, im not sure if you see comments on older posts but if there’s any way that you can make posts that are only accessible via subscribing but not requiring a password? that could be an option. I guess that would require making 2 posts. 1 as a teaser/synopsis. & then another with the in depth commentary /juicy details & attachments.
    I’m high so maybe this doesn’t even make sense lol but I’m saying anything bc who knows if it’ll inspire a better one from you.
    I haven’t been able to access any posts past mid 2023 that require a passcode. I’m wondering if that’s possible.
    I also have that issue you touched on about being signed out every time I click on a link and having to sign back in since it’s a different browser.

    Anytime I have the funds, I’ll be supporting.
    I’ve always felt a need to get the inside scoop on things when I’m intrigued and with the current cleanup game being played on internet search engines, it feels almost impossible to find anything when I’m in research mode.

    Thanks for having a passion, pursuing it, & how your work improves the quality of my life & others.

  2. We understand new things sometimes comes with technical difficulties. These things are beyond your control. Things will run smoothly in no time. Besides we’re not going anywhere love. No apologies needed. Many Black creatures are experiencing issues on social media. I don’t think that’s coincidence neither

    1. ^ thank you malcolm ❤️
      i’ve been hearing that too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      black creatives and content creators have to be careful.
      i hope they aren’t trying to f with me.
      this is ridiculous.

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