Boobs, Moobs, and Random Bunny Rabbits

thegamemyfaceso i watched the video for “pills and potions” today.
when i found out jayceon taylor was making a his male video wolf debut,
i immediately stopped working.
you know i loved-ed-ed-ed him.
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Brandon Jennings Hands Nic Young A Breath Mint?

BRANDONNICKYOUNGso nba baller wolves,
brandon jennings and nick young,
are pretty tight.
so you know as boys,
brandon looks out.
as he should.
so in the following video that the game uploading on “accident”,
it shows brandon handing nick a big ass tic tac
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It’s Okay! Justin Bieber Is A “N” Word Anyway!

tumblr_n6hp5ciwYn1t2ddfuo1_500someone is out to get justin bieber.
well who isn’t?
so before he started acting…
let me find a word so i’m not part of the problem this morning…
got it.
there we go…
thanks kevin hart!
so before justin bieber started acting all “pineapple-ish”.
justin liked to make jokes about the same “pineapples”.
did you find this “pineapple” joke offensive?…
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Trey Songz, Smartphones, and His Big Ass Pipe (Lordt)

tumblr_n3qihhPCQP1qcqu60o1_500that songzbird reign just don’t let up?
so trey songs has a new video out.
it’s called “smart phones”.
hopefully you have one…
if not i’m judging.
anyway here is the video and my thoughts while watching the explicit version

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What Katy Perry Done Did With This “Dark Horse” Video

tumblr_n1bagfh7OE1qbqo7ho1_500so while i was out running errands today,
i got the message that the “dark horse” video from katy perry had premiered.
anyone that knows me knows i LOVE that record.
so i rush in the house,
open up my laptop,
and see this

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You’re Naked (Eternal)

tumblr_n10fx5gT3B1qb1btko1_500life would not be with complete if mariah carey was not naked in a video.
trey songz as well.
well for her new video,
“you’re naked mine (eternal)” with trey,
it was a match made in butt nekkidness heaven

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