these are enough white tears to serve at the victory party tonight

the energy feels still.
for me anyway.
trump is out; biden/harris are in.
this feels like a real presidency rather than some reality show jackal with adhd twitter fingaz.
he left a disgrace and i played that billboard 200 hit all afternoon.
his biggest supporters are singing a different tune tho.
one of my home-vixens sent me a video of one of his supporters in a higher key

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2021 is looking like the year of the reset.
after a year like 2020,
where we were forced to sit with ourselves,
it seems 2021 is when we start over.
i’m hoping that we are officially on an upward turn.
it seems likedonald trump might officially be outta here.
zuckerberg got him up offa facebook:

and it looks like twitter is doing the same…

Continue reading “THANK YOU TWITTER”

trump says bye bye.

as for trump,
i don’t believe a single thing he has to say or font.
i guess we can believe his conceding statement from his twitter…

Continue reading “trump says bye bye.”

imagine if blm stormed the capitol building today?

i was having a morning and decided to take a nap because i needed to step away from everything.
so i put my phone on dnd and was outta here.
when i woke up,
i had a million messages asking if i seeing wtf was going on in the forests.
so i wake up,
cold in my eye and shit,
and as soon as i turn on the cnn and saw this mess at the capitol building

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detach from the outcome and live your best unbothered life

i learned a valuable lesson yesterday i wanted to share with the foxhole.
i think subconsciously i already knew this,
but i needed to catch up consciously.

The wonderfully relaxed state of being UNBOTHERED

when i heard trump didn’t sign the stimmy or didn’t extend unemployment,
i started to feel trapped in a cage.
during the day on saturday,
that was probably when i felt it worst.
i kept checking news reports constantly,
reading the same updates,
taking in other people’s trauma,
and giving myself immense self-torture.
by saturday night

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trump left the circus in an uproar and the clowns are planning a coup

someone i know said yesterday:

“I’ll vote for a Trump in heartbeat for 2k.”

another said:

“See Trump be looking out for us with the money yo.”

this is a text i literally just got while writing this:

i had to wonder what dimension i fell into.
after all that uproar in the white house over the stimmy yesterday,
with trump demanding the funds be changed to 2k,
he ghosted everyone like a typical fuck boi…

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