Razberry Gets Exposed For Affair With Married Wolf

luckey comes for round 2!
i love it.
i love it.
i love it along time.

did razberry gets a dose of karma today?
since he tried to shine a light on other people who maybe in the closet…
his former associate may have just dragged him the FUCK out of his.

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Razberry Gets Sliced and Diced

what in all the fucks i have left???????
below is a very graphic picture.
please put your coffee and cap’n crunch down before going any further….

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Killing Myself Would Make The World A Much Better Place.

” Suicide is being selfish.”

I always hear people saying that.
But, what is so selfish about it?
Realistically, the person was thinking of a way out of their pain.
Some people suffer alone in this world with no one to speak too.
All this fronting and faking is the new thing to mask very sad people…
But, at what point does one bring themselves to actually kill themselves?
Does it happen when you just feel so low that you can’t look up?
Or, when something happens that may ruin your reputation that the only way is death?
Is it their way of escaping their pain or embarrassment?
Or, is it really selfish?
I had to ask…

Is life really that hard to bring yourself to suicide?

Continue reading “Killing Myself Would Make The World A Much Better Place.”

I Guess You Like Taking a Pounding Being Such A Pussy

Nah nah nee boo boo.
My site is much better than yours!

You probably wouldn’t like me too much if I did that to you, huh?
Well, everyone else is so does this mean I’m not cool?

I have noticed humans have become modern day “Nelson from The Simpsons” bullies.
Instead of being forced to eat sand in a wonderfully made cake in the sandbox,
or getting pulled up the flag pole by your underwear,
it has now been replaced by tactless internet mud slinging and “I am much tougher than you” demeanors.
Have we all just become grown kids?
And, what is the best way to handle a situation like this?
I had to ask…

Are you a bully?

Continue reading “I Guess You Like Taking a Pounding Being Such A Pussy”

Terrell Owens Attempts Suicide

I really feel bad for T.O.
I use to think he was overkill… but now, I realize he is just sad.
He is now starting to realizing that this football thing has come to an end.
One that he refuses to bow out gracefully.

Here is the 911 call his assistant made after she found him almost about to overdose on pills…

Continue reading “Terrell Owens Attempts Suicide”

Marsha Teaches Us Something

It’s so funny how this video made me forget I was in pain due to my tooth for 4 minutes.
This video is absolutely riveting.
I did not SEE that twist coming upon watching it.
In my own life, I have been there.
Maybe we all have been at one point.

Good message and something EVERYONE needs to watch.


A bitter sweet video.
Shows the joy of love and the brutal reality of life.

Fox approved Marsha!